Is it safe to assume that any object that is preceded with the letter 'J' is a member of the Swing package? Just trying to get lightweight versus heavyweight components sorted properly.


-- Curtis

Is it safe to assume that any object that is preceded with the letter 'J' is a member of the Swing package? Just trying to get lightweight versus heavyweight components sorted properly.


-- Curtis

assuming this could get you into a lot of unknown problems when using an openSource package. any Joe-with-the-hat can create an object and decide to name it JPassEncryptor, JCountTheCows or whatever name comes up to him that covers the load :) .

assuming this could get you into a lot of unknown problems when using an openSource package. any Joe-with-the-hat can create an object and decide to name it JPassEncryptor, JCountTheCows or whatever name comes up to him that covers the load :) .

Good point. I hadn't even thought about all of the classes/packages that aren't written by Sun.

P.S. Prefix, not Suffix. ;-)

@masijade : You could easily have been a detective, you have the temparament and the ability to look into the slimmest of the crevices. ;)

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