this is my struct

struct CropType
        string crop;
        string farmer;
        string color;
        string order;

CropType myCrop;

and this is my tree

struct TreeNode
        CropType info;
        TreeNode* left;
        TreeNode* right;

how do i compare a string within my struct like crop to a node in my tree

Do you mean how do you compare the value of crop at one node with the value of crop at another given node?

It's as simple as it sounds....

aNode->info->crop == anotherNode->info->crop


Do you mean how do you compare the value of crop at one node with the value of crop at another given node?

It's as simple as it sounds....

aNode->info->crop == anotherNode->info->crop


thanx chris

now my other problem is that this sruct is being inserted into a tree via void insert function

void Insert(TreeNode*& tree, CropType &myCrop)
                Treenode *current;

                    current=new Treenode;
                    current = tree;
                    current->left = NULL;
                    current->right = NULL;
                    current->data = myCrop.crop;
                    current->data  = myCrop.farmer;
                    current->data  = myCrop.order;
                    current->data  = myCrop.color;
               else if( current->data->myCrop.crop < tree->data->crop)
                        current->left=insert(tree->left, myCrop);
               tree->right=insert(tree->right, myCrop);


is this right??

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