I've never programed in C++, and I have just started to learn C++, but I already get a little bit to complicated homeassignement. Is there anyone willing to help me - let's say solve me this excercise. I would appreciate any help with this and if there is anyone willing to solve the whole program, the point is in understanding it for me, so can it be explained, please.
These are 2 connected problems:
4. Define a class MobilePhone for representing a mobile phone that is given by its device
name, e.g., Motorola RAZR V3, the owner's name, and the telephone number. To that end,
please declare three data elements of type string. Furthermore define the following inline
– a constructor that initialises each data element,
(please use default values for the owner's name and the telephone number)
– an access method for each data element,
– a method display() that outputs the data elements.
Methods that access an object by reading shall be declared read-only.
5. Two objects of type MobilePhone are passed to a global function
exchangeMobilePhone() as arguments. The function exchanges the names of the owners
and the telephone numbers.