Hello experts, Im taking a C++ class and i was asked to Write a program that uses a structure named MovieData to store the following information about a movie:

Year Released
Running Time (in minutes)

I've come down to making it compile, but, when it couts the output, the line for "year released" and for "run time" is i think, the reference for those cells. I tried to dereference using the & (i.e &p.year... &p.time) operator and no luck,
it gives me a runtime error, any suggestions?
here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

const int TITLE = 50;
const int RELEASED = 2000;
const int RUN_TIME = 300;
const int NAME_SIZE = 50;

struct movieData
	char title[TITLE];
	char director[NAME_SIZE];
	int year[RELEASED];
	int time[RUN_TIME];
void getInfo(movieData&);
void showInfo(movieData);
int main()
	movieData movie;
	return 0;

//Definition of getInfo
void getInfo(movieData &p)
//Get movie title
	cout << "Enter movie Title:\n";
	cin >> p.title;
	//Get movie director
	cout << "Enter movie's Director:\n";
	cin.getline(p.director, NAME_SIZE);
	//Get year released
	cout << "Enter year movie was released:\n";
	cin >> p.year[RELEASED];
	cout << "Enter the movie's Running Time:\n";
	cin >> p.time[RUN_TIME];
//Definition of function showInfo
void showInfo(movieData p)
	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
	cout << "Movie Title: " << p.title << endl;
	cout << "Director Name: " << p.director << endl;
	cout << "Year Released: " << p.year << endl;
	cout << "Running Time: " << p.time << endl;

Do you really want an array to represent the year and the running time? so leave those as ints. Also, any title over 1 word gets truncated. Why not use a getline for that as well?

Do you really want an array to represent the year and the running time? so leave those as ints. Also, any title over 1 word gets truncated. Why not use a getline for that as well?

jonsca thanks for your help, I tried different things and did not get far. code is working fine now.
thank you, here is the working code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

const int TITLE = 50;
const int RELEASED = 2000;
const int NAME_SIZE = 50;

struct movieData
	char title[TITLE];
	char director[NAME_SIZE];
	int year;
	int time;
void getInfo(movieData&);
void showInfo(movieData);
int main()
	movieData movie;
	return 0;

//Definition of getInfo
void getInfo(movieData &p)
//Get movie title
	cout << "Enter movie Title:\n";
	cin.getline(p.title, TITLE);
	//Get movie director
	cout << "Enter movie's Director:\n";
	cin.getline(p.director, NAME_SIZE);
	//Get year released
	cout << "Enter year movie was released:\n";
	cin >> p.year;
	cout << "Enter the movie's Running Time:\n";
	cin >> p.time;
//Definition of function showInfo
void showInfo(movieData p)
	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
	cout << "Movie Title: " << p.title << endl;
	cout << "Director Name: " << p.director << endl;
	cout << "Year Released: " << p.year << endl;
	cout << "Running Time: " << p.time << endl;

how about:

struct movieData
	std::string title;
	std::string director;
	int year;
	int time;
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