i have a class with 10 object and each object have a random position like (x,y)
now i wand a code that do not put object in same position
please complete my code

#include <iostream.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

class chess{

public :
private :
	int x;
	int y;

x=rand()%15+1;    //rand()%max+min will give values from min to min+max-1

chess a[10];

You need to set the rand seed value, use srand() . Unlike Java and C# the seed value, when not set, is the same every time it is run. I suggest using the current time to set the seed value.

You need to set the rand seed value, use srand() . Unlike Java and C# the seed value, when not set, is the same every time it is run. I suggest using the current time to set the seed value.

now what should i do?

#include <iostream.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

class chess{

public :
private :
	int x;
	int y;

x=rand()%15+1;    //rand()%max+min will give values from min to min+max-1

chess a[10];

You can run it through a loop to check the other pieces to ensure that the randomly generated square is not already occupied.

Help yes. Writing code for others, no, sorry ;P


Create a static member in your class which is a bool type 2D array (call it say,current_pos) of 8X8 elements.
Each time you assign a Position to the object, be sure to mark the current_pos[x][y]=TRUE;
So, now you can keep track of what all postition are been ocupied.
Hence, as soon as your random() generates a new position, check whether that position is already occupied or not. If it is, tell him to generate another number and so on.

Since the array will be a static member, its value will be same for all the object of the class.

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