hey guys i want to slpit a sentence into words but the pogram i have written gives only the first word...can u help me plz.....


void main()
char text[100];
int i=0;

cout<<"enter the sentence";

char text1[]=" ";
int m=0;
while(text[i]!=' ')
m++ ;


if the input is

hello world

the output i want is


but get only hello

thanks in advance

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

vector<string> explode( const string &delimiter, const string &explodeme);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string str = "I have a lovely bunch of cocoa nuts";
    vector<string> v = explode(" ", str);
    for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
        cout <<i << " ["<< v[i] <<"] " <<endl;

vector<string> explode( const string &delimiter, const string &str)
    vector<string> arr;

    int strleng = str.length();
    int delleng = delimiter.length();
    if (delleng==0)
        return arr;//no change

    int i=0;
    int k=0;
    while( i<strleng )
        int j=0;
        while (i+j<strleng && j<delleng && str[i+j]==delimiter[j])
        if (j==delleng)//found delimiter
            arr.push_back(  str.substr(k, i-k) );
    arr.push_back(  str.substr(k, i-k) );
    return arr;

source: cpp explode function

You've got a lot of problems with your code, but you do get bonus marks for being one of the few people who use code tags on their first post!

Those headers are nonstandard and not recommended. Try removing the ".h" from them and adding the line "using namespace std;" below them.

Old headers. Get rid of them.

This is a C header. You shouldn't need or use it either.

>void main()
void main() is also nonstandard and bad. Use int main() instead.

Don't clear the screen. It relies on those old headers, and annoys people like me who might actually have important data on the screen before you wiped it.

>char text1[]=" ";
You're only allocating 2 bytes (one for the space, one for the terminating null character) to hold an entire word. Nope, that's not a good idea.

Instead of using character arrays, consider using a C++ string. You don't need to worry about character allocation, and it makes your job a heck of a lot easier. If you're confident enough, you could even use string's built in searching functions to do the tokenizing instead of implementing your own.

This relies on the nonstandard conio.h header. Try using getchar(); instead.

go carefully again and again with your algorithm .

If you unable to find it then just try a dry-run.
Entering it the input "hello world"

Think "hello world " and the "hello world" is different
I think you got the point.

>char text1[]=" ";
You're only allocating 2 bytes (one for the space, one for the terminating null character) to hold an entire word. Nope, that's not a good idea.

I wonder how this program works. However this will vary due to the memory model that he/she is using.

These types of codes will open your program to bufferoverflow attacks.

Use malloc to allocate memory.
for more information

Member Avatar for jencas

Use malloc to allocate memory.

No, no, no! Use new to allocate memory in C++!!!

Or better yet: use std::strings and don't worry about dynamicly allocating memory at all.

Or better yet: use std::strings and don't worry about dynamicly allocating memory at all.

agree to this !
use the string wrapper class is agreed ! Using the STL as max is somewhat encouraged.

However there are algorithms and every data structures inside the STL . But don't we write our own Stacks and link lists in our school ?

you don't need this while loop at all if you are using the std::string. It comming with powerful functions that already implemented what you are trying to hand-code.

If you have to implement your own algorithm to do this, try taking a look at a snippet I made some time ago. Link

But otherwise, this is an easy problem, you could even try std::stringstream . You practically don't have to do anything :icon_lol:

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  string sentence_s;
  stringstream sentence_ss;

  cout << "Enter a sentence: ";
  getline(cin, sentence_s);
  sentence_ss << sentence_s;

  string word;

  while ( sentence_ss >> word )
    cout << '\n' << word;


If you can't do something like this, try using strtok , it will help you split up the word using a delimiter.

Hope this helps.

If you can't do something like this, try using strtok, it will help you split up the word using a delimiter.

Hope this helps.

Yes a tokenizer is highly recommended.
You will end up using it in half you projects.

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