iam building vb chat application using winsock, work on LAN but problem that face me that iam tring to connect to a computer in a network
this computer in a network of three computers "" and "" and "" local Ip's and with only one internet IP, so the three are connected to the same internet ip "" and i want to talk with the third one?iam outside this network. How...
in my Computer app i have that outside LAN & connect to internet:
Winsock.RemotePort = 3917
Winsock.RemoteHost = "" 'remote ip of the lan, that has the client computer
& in Client that on the LAN & connect to internet:
Winsock.LocalPort = 3917
so i having this values for ex: client local ip "" and client remote ip "" i know how to get this values but i want to know how to connect from server to client using this values.
as i read some ask me to configure the modem or "router" to forward this port to my local ip but i don't want to configure , absolutely there is a way without configure the modem how all chat works like msn,..
so i want without any hardware configuration, i want it like using Gateway or anything i don't know what? so it will be chatting over internet not over LAN.