hello, can somebody tell me where i can download a free c++ video tutorial.....i really need it badly

thanks is a bit helpful,but i need a real detailed v tutorial

video tutorials are next to worthless. Why? Because its nearly impossible to reference certain material without viewing the entire video! Lets say you are confused about loops, and loops are discussed near the end of a 2-hour video tutorial. Well, would you rather sit there a watch the entire tutorial or just open a book and go directly to the page that discusses loops?

No money for books? Well, you will get exactly what you pay for. Get a free video tutorial and your education will be next to worthless.

Well, you will get exactly what you pay for. Get a free video tutorial and your education will be next to worthless.

lol i saw few videos helped a bit , got one book helped heaps soo i think Ancient Dragon onto somthing

I've been directed to YouTube C++ tutorial videos, and they're crap by individuals who don't know [explicits] about C++ or programming.

Just get a library card, that's how I got material to learn alot of things.

Subscribe to O'Reilly Safari. They have all sorts of good books online. It's well worth the money and far cheaper than buying the physical books.

I've been directed to YouTube C++ tutorial videos, and they're crap by individuals who don't know [explicits] about C++ or programming.

Just get a library card, that's how I got material to learn alot of things.

He he.Get a old computer !install GNU linux and GNU C++ compilers debuggers and other developing tools.If you need free books ,


No need to buy any books for money. That I above mentioned site have completely leagl books for download. enoughf books for learning C++. And do your self project, because the experience is the best.

No money for books? Well, you will get exactly what you pay for. Get a free video tutorial and your education will be next to worthless.

Agree ! most of the Undergraduate students ( including me ) ,saying about that they don't have money for the study meaterials. I can remmber in my stat class when professor said us to buy a calculator
, and he tell us to hand's up who haven't money to buy it.Everyone !
But the problem is the mobil phone that each student is using may cost around 40 times of a calculator. and their month's mobil telephone bill is also more than the price of a calculator.

so what I try to tell is we are actually wasting money on useless things and we saying that we don't have money.

Buying a book or a library card is actually worth. But you also got the choice of free books. Just check it.

commented: Interesting cell-phone comment :) +36

lol i saw few videos helped a bit , got one book helped heaps soo i think Ancient Dragon onto somthing

This is so much natural to acient Dragon to tell this ! because he is a old and experienced person. video leactures are new techiniques. with faster internet and so on. So I don't think he is up to something.

For me I learn some to extent PHP using video leactures. Yes without spending any penny. These are his own ideas about learning. Most of the times greeks are like to be stay silient and reading than interactive learning. That's why he is telling it.

anyway video leactures are wroth. This is my experience. I just doing a normal CS degree. I haven't the subjects like compiler design in my degree program. So I learning it using video leactures. and using the free hosted assignments and leacture notes I learning interactively. I think that learning is best if you really have the interest with the subject.

I think that learning is best if you really have the interest with the subject.

nicly said NicAx64

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