Hello, I am writing a program about gas pump.
Here is my code
class GasPump{
GasPump();// loads all pumps w/ 50 gallons, price is 2.00, 2.25, 2.50
GasPump(int l, int m = 100, int h = 100);
//price is 2.00, 2.25, 2.50
GasPump(double pl, double pm, double ph);
// loads all pumps w/ 50 gallons
void setHighGal(int gallons);
void setMedGal(int gallons);
void setLow(int gallons);
void setHighPrice(double price);
void setMedPrice(double price);
void setLowPrice(double price);
int getHigh();
int getMed();
int getLow();
double getPriceHigh();
double getPriceMed();
double getPriceLow();
bool emptyHigh();
bool emptyMed();
bool emptyLow();
double salePriceHigh(int gal);
double salePriceMed(int gal);
double salePriceLow(int gal);
double earnedHigh();
double earnedMed();
double earnedLow();
void display(ostream& out) const;
int highOctane;
int medOctane;
int lowOctane;
double pricehigh;
double pricemed;
double pricelow;
double totalHigh;
double totalMed;
double totalLow;
GasPump::GasPump(int l, int m, int h){
int main()
int ql, qm, qh, choice;
double plow, pmed, phigh;
cout << "Welcome to Chevron" << endl;
cout << "Please enter the quantities of "
<< "each grade(Regular, Plus, and Premium)" << endl;
cin >> ql >> qm >> qh;
cout << "Now enter the price of each grade"
<< " (Regular, Plus, and Premium)" << endl;
cin >> plow >> pmed >> phigh;
cout << "Regular: " << ql << " gallons" << endl;
cout << "Cost per gallon: $" << plow << endl << endl;;
cout << "Plus: " << qm << " gallons" << endl;
cout << "Cost per gallon: $" << pmed << endl << endl;
cout << "Premium: " << qh << " gallons" << endl;
cout << "Cost per gallon: $" << phigh << endl << endl;
GasPump pump(ql, qm, qh);
cout << "Which gas type would you want like to buy?\n";
cout << "\n" << "\n" << "1)Regular\n" << "2)Plus\n"
<< "3)Premium\n" << "4)Exit\n";
cin >> choice;
int gal, gal2;
case 1:
cout << "How many gallons would you like to buy? " << endl;
cin >> gal;
case 2:
cout << "How many gallons would you like to buy? " << endl;
cin >> gal;
case 3:
cout << "How many gallons would you like to buy? " << endl;
cin >> gal;
}while (choice != 4);
return 0;
void GasPump::setHighGal(int gallons){
// sets the quantity of gas in the indicated tank to parameter value
//resets total cash for that type of gas to 0
highOctane = gallons;
totalHigh - 0;
void GasPump::setMedGal(int gallons){
// sets the quantity of gas in the indicated tank to parameter value
//resets total cash for that type of gas to 0
medOctane = gallons;
totalMed = 0;
void GasPump::setLow(int gallons){
// sets the quantity of gas in the indicated tank to parameter value
//resets total cash for that type of gas to 0
lowOctane = gallons;
totalLow = 0;
void GasPump::setHighPrice(double price){
//sets the price of gas in the indicated tank to parameter value
pricehigh = price;
void GasPump::setMedPrice(double price){
//sets the price of gas in the indicated tank to parameter value
pricemed = price;
void GasPump::setLowPrice(double price){
//sets the price of gas in the indicated tank to parameter value
pricelow = price;
int GasPump::getHigh(){
//returns # gallons of high octane
return highOctane;
int GasPump::getMed(){
//returns # gallons of medium octane
return medOctane;
int GasPump::getLow(){
//returns # gallons of low octane
return lowOctane;
double GasPump::getPriceHigh(){
//returns price for high octane
return pricehigh;
double GasPump::getPriceMed(){
//returns price for medium octane
return pricemed;
double GasPump::getPriceLow(){
//returns price for low octane
return pricelow;
double GasPump::salePriceHigh(int gal){
//purchase quantity of high octane, cost of this purchase is returned
highOctane -= gal;
return totalHigh =(gal*pricehigh);
double GasPump::salePriceMed(int gal){
//purchase quantity of meduim octane, cost of this purchase is returned
medOctane -= gal;
return totalMed = (gal*pricemed);
double GasPump::salePriceLow(int gal){
//purchase quantity of low octane, cost of this purchase is returned
lowOctane =- gal;
return totalLow =(gal*pricelow);
bool GasPump::emptyHigh(){
//is high octane empty?
if (highOctane == 0)
return true;
return false;
bool GasPump::emptyMed(){
//is medium octane empty?
if (medOctane == 0)
return true;
return false;
bool GasPump::emptyLow(){
//is low octane empty?
if (lowOctane == 0)
return true;
return false;
double GasPump::earnedHigh(){
// returns total earned for high octane
return totalHigh;
double GasPump::earnedMed(){
// returns total earned for meduim octane
return totalMed;
double GasPump::earnedLow(){
// returns total earned for low octane
return totalLow;
void GasPump::display(ostream& out) const{
out << "Total HIgh: " << totalHigh << endl;
Ok, in the switch statement, I am having some trouble calling the salePriceLow, salePriceMed, salePriceHigh function after I enter 40 gallons. The gal for the salePriceMed should automatically initialize 40.
I'll explain clearly what I want to do
First the user enters number of gallons per grade.
lets say I enter 50, 50, 50
then I enter the price $1, $2, $3
then it should ask the user to pick which grade I want to buy, and then the user ask how many gallons I buy? So I say 40. and it should output
You purchased 40 gallons and output the total cost.
-Buy a quantity of low grade gasoline, displaying the cost of the gasoline. If the low grade tank is empty, display a message to that effect. If the required quantity of gasoline is not available, dispense what is left, and output a message to that effect.
I was take care of med grade, and high grade after you help me solve this problem
I know its long, any help would be appreciated.