hi all,
i got a program that calculates the fibonacci numbers and prints them out, looks something like this:
li $s0, 0
li $s1, 1
slt $t0, $s1, $s0
bgtz $t0, done
addu $s2, $s0, $s1
move $s0, $s1
move $s1, $s2
li $v0, 1
move $a0, $s2
j loop
jr $ra
so ok when i execute it it gives me a list of fibonacci numbers. i would have expected a infinite loop however the last number it gave me was 1836131903
and then the next thing it gave me was -1323752223
can any1 explain this?
it cant be because it reached the maximum value a register can store right? because a register has 32 bits therefore stores up to 4billion, however if the program kept going the next number should have been 1836131903 + 1134903170 = 2971035037 which is < 4 billion so it should have been ok?
pls help! XD
EDIT: o i just found that the last two fibonnaci numbers added together gives:
1836131903 + 1134903170 = 2971035037
and the max number a 32 bit register can store is 2^32
and if compute:
2971035037 - 2^32 = -1323752223
the maths is all there pls someone explain to me!