Hi men
could you introduce or even upload a PDF for me to learn x86 assembly language.
thanks a lot

Hey really thank you but i have a problem with online things.
could you introduce me a PDF?

i have a problem with online things

Hey you were online! Why do you have this urge to a PDF?

Because you can use it offline.
I told you i have a problem with online things.because i'm using dial up to connect to the internet and you know,I must pay for that and i must not make the phone line busy too.so i can't be online for a long time to read online documentaions.well i'm a student and i'm living with my family so i can't do such a thing.
Now could you help in a proper way?
thanks again

It seems you are not good with dial up users.right?

It seems you are not good with dial up users.right?

In order to use your PDF offline you have to download it first, or am I wrong?
By the way : why should I have something against dial up users?

In order to use your PDF offline you have to download it first, or am I wrong?

But downloading a e.g 200 pages doc takes less time than reading it.so if you download it you can be online fewer.

why should I have something against dial up users?

I told it just because no one answered me for almost a day after i told that i use dial up connection.and you can consider my last sentence as "I was just kidding.".

OK you got a point there, but downloading from here http://www.emu8086.com/
will cost you 2.85MB to download. That must be not that difficult, way back I had a dial up connection myself.

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