In this course we are going to develop software for “School System” that will computerize all the necessary school processes. This software will facilitate the school management in running and managing the school. We will mainly focus on these aspects,

1. Teacher and Student Record Keeping
2. Student Grading
3. School Library Management

The explanations of these three parts are given below,

1. Teacher and Student Record Keeping
Our software will store record of students and teachers in the school.

a. We will store necessary attributes for students such as,
(name, age, parents name, address, class, roll no …..)
Student class may have extra attributes like borrowed book name or id and student grades as well.
b. We will store necessary attributes for teachers such as,
(name, age, NIC No, address, education, experience, teaching subjects…..)

2. Student Grading
We will store grades of each student for all subjects.
3. School Library Management System
This part will keep track of all books present in the library as well as it will keep record of borrowing and returning of books by students.

Task Description:

This Assignment is starting phase of this system in this assignment you will focus on the tasks given below:

1. You have to identify the main entities (objects) for this system.
2. You will have to find out the necessary attributes and functions that need to be associated with each object to implement the functionality mentioned above. (There will be setter and getter functions corresponding to each attribute and other necessary functions for example there may be a function borrow book in student class that may store name or id of the borrowed book by the student similarly it can have functions to store and show grades of the student).
3. You have to find out the relationships between these objects, for example teacher and student common attributes can be combined in a single base class.
4. You will make a final comprehensive object model showing all objects and their relations along with their attributes and functions

Do not just post your assignments. Try it yourself and let us know if you have any problems.

i tried very much but i could not make the library management system and a borrow function in the student class so plz if u can something i shall be able to learn from u

We arent going to do your system for you

Hint: there should be nothing about the library in the student class, that should have its own class

e.g the borrowBook() method of the Libary class could take a student ID as a paramater

ok all right i dont wanna to write a c++ code rather i wanna to make a object model fro this detail
1. Teacher and Student Record Keeping
Our software will store record of students and teachers in the school.

a. We will store necessary attributes for students such as,
(name, age, parents name, address, class, roll no …..)
Student class may have extra attributes like borrowed book name or id and student grades as well.
b. We will store necessary attributes for teachers such as,
(name, age, NIC No, address, education, experience, teaching subjects…..)

2. Student Grading
We will store grades of each student for all subjects.
3. School Library Management System
This part will keep track of all books present in the library as well as it will keep record of borrowing and returning of books by students.

Task Description:

This Assignment is starting phase of this system in this assignment you will focus on the tasks given below:

1. You have to identify the main entities (objects) for this system.
2. You will have to find out the necessary attributes and functions that need to be associated with each object to implement the functionality mentioned above. (There will be setter and getter functions corresponding to each attribute and other necessary functions for example there may be a function borrow book in student class that may store name or id of the borrowed book by the student similarly it can have functions to store and show grades of the student).
3. You have to find out the relationships between these objects, for example teacher and student common attributes can be combined in a single base class.
4. You will make a final comprehensive object model showing all objects and their relations along with their attributes and functions

There are 2 main objects teacher and student , now draw object diagram and their relationships.

School - master class



use a binary tree to sort the books for searching

as there are two main objects student and teacher so i got this model using given detail so plz check it or make it better by ur skills
i made a class person having common atributes and made student and teacher classes , one library class and a class grade
that store and show the grades of different subjects class student and teacher are inherited from class person so now please tell me what is the relation between these classes abd show the association plz

yeah student and teacher extend the person class through inheritance

Seriously, if you cant do a simple task like this, perhaps you should consider switching career...

Hi , I have a friend who is working in the company , who does school management software ,i can suggest you if you want to to take it up..

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