can you please tell me how to calculate execution time from the listing file shown below
1 ; C Compiler for M68HC08 (COSMIC Software)
2 ; Generator V4.5.10.1 - 14 Jun 2007
3 ; Optimizer V4.5.4.2 - 17 Jul 2007
5 xref _printf
32 ; 1 void main(void)
32 ; 2 {
33 switch .text
34 0000 _main:
38 ; 3 printf(" hello world ");
40 0000 a600 lda #low(L71)
41 0002 ae00 ldx #high(L71)
43 ; 4 }
46 0004 cc0000 jmp _printf
58 xdef _main
59 .const: section .text
60 0000 L71:
61 0000 2068656c6c6f dc.b " hello world ",0
62 end
in the above listing file:
instruction lda takes 2 cycles
instruction ldx takes 3 cycles
instruction jmp takes 3 cycles
can you please give me some idea to calculate execution time.