I need to calculate the standard deviation for an array in my program, the array I need to calculate it for is the pgmavg and testavg everything else in my program works correctly.

CSCI 240 - Assignment 7 - Spring 2009

Progammer: Justin R. Smith
Section:   9
TA:        Pooja Uppalapati
Date Due:  March 26, 2009

Purpose:   The program reads in data from a averages file and prints out
           the unsorted data information and uses functions to fill arrays
           and prints out the sorted data information.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int buildAr(int [], double [], double []); //function prototype
void displayAr(int [], double [], double [], int); //fuction prototype
void sortAr (int [], double [], double [], int, char); //function prototype
void calcStatByRef (double [], int, double&, double&, double&, double&);
double  sqrt( double );

#define ARSIZE 20 //symbolic constant

int main()
    int size; //declare size as an int
    int sub = 0; //declare sub as an int sets equal to zero
    int zid[ARSIZE]; //declares the array zid using symbolic constant
    double pgmavg[ARSIZE]; //declares the array prgavg using symbolic constant
    double testavg[ARSIZE]; //declares the array testavg using symbolic constant
    double minval, valmax, avg, dev;
    buildAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg); //calls the buildAr function
    size = buildAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg); //sets size to the buildAr function
    //displays title for sorted student information
    cout << endl << "The SORTED student information" << endl;
    cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" 

                                                               "-------" << endl;
    char sortchar = 'i';                                                 
    sortAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg, size, sortchar); //calls the sortAr function
    displayAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg, size); //calls the displayAr fucntion
    sortchar = 'p';
    sortAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg, size, sortchar); //calls the sortAr function
    displayAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg, size); //calls the displayAr fucntion
	calcStatByRef(pgmavg, size, minval, valmax, avg, dev);
	cout << endl << "The minimum value of the program averages is: " << minval <<endl;
	cout << "The maximum value of the program averages is: " << valmax << endl;
	cout << "The average value of the program averages is: " << avg << endl << endl;
	cout << dev;
	sortchar = 't';
    sortAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg, size, sortchar); //calls the sortAr function
    displayAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg, size); //calls the displayAr fucntion
	calcStatByRef(testavg, size, minval, valmax, avg, dev);
	cout << endl << "The minimum value of the test averages is: " << minval <<endl;
	cout << "The maximum value of the test averages is: " << valmax << endl;
	cout << "The average value of the test averages is: " << avg << endl << endl;

    system ("pause");
    return 0;
Function: int buildAr

Use:      Builds each of the arrays and returns the subscript
          of them to int main().

Arguments: 1. int zid[] array that holds student zid's
           2. double prgavg[] array that holds studnets program
           3. int testavg[] array that holds students test

Returns:   sub which is used for the subscript for the array's
int buildAr (int zid [], double pgmavg [], double testavg [])
    int num;
    double num2, num3;
    int sub = 0;
    ifstream inFile;
    inFile.open( "averages.txt" );

    if ( inFile.fail() )
       cout << "input file did not open";
    while ( inFile )
    inFile >> num;
    zid[sub] = num;
    inFile >> num2;
    pgmavg[sub] = num2;
    inFile >> num3;
    testavg[sub] = num3;
    return (sub);
Function: void displayAr

Use:      Displays the unsorted and sorted grades when called
          by int main().

Arguments: 1. int zid[] array that holds student zid's
           2. double prgavg[] array that holds studnets program
           3. int testavg[] array that holds students test
           4. int size which holds the buildAr fucntion from
           int main()

Returns:   nothing

void displayAr(int zid [], double pgmavg [], double testavg [], int size)
     int sub = 0;
     double overall;
     char sortchar;
     cout << "Student ID      Program Average      Test Average       "<<
     "Overall Average" << endl;
     for(sub = 0; sub < size; sub++)
     overall = (pgmavg[sub] * .4) + (testavg[sub] * .6);       
     cout << "  " << zid[sub] << "            " << setw(6) << fixed <<
     setprecision(2) << pgmavg[sub] << "             " << setw(6) << fixed << 
     setprecision(2) << testavg[sub] << "                " << setw(4) << fixed 
     << setprecision(2) << overall << endl;
Function: void sortAr

Use:      Organizes the output given by the function display
          in ascending order.

Arguments: 1. int zid[] array that holds student zid's
           2. double prgavg[] array that holds studnets program
           3. int testavg[] array that holds students test
           4. int size which holds the buildAr fucntion from
           int main()

Returns:   nothing
void sortAr(int zid [], double pgmavg [], double testavg [], int size, char sortchar)
    int i, j, minat;
	for(i = 0; i<(size); i++)
		minat = i;

      for(j = i+1; j < size; j++)
            if (sortchar == 'i' || sortchar == 'I')
	           if(zid[minat] > zid[j])
			   minat = j;
               else if (sortchar == 'p' || sortchar == 'P')
                    if(pgmavg[minat] > pgmavg[j])
                    minat = j;
			   else if (sortchar == 't' || sortchar == 'T')
			   		if(testavg[minat] > testavg[j])
					minat = j;
      		   double temp = zid[i];
               zid[i] = zid[minat];
               temp = pgmavg[i];
	           pgmavg[i] = pgmavg[minat];
	           pgmavg[minat] = temp;
	           temp = testavg[i];
	           testavg[i] = testavg[minat];
	           testavg[minat] = temp;
void calcStatByRef( double average[], int size, double &m, double &v, double &a, double &d )
	double sum;
	m = average[0];
	v = average[size-1];
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
	sum += average[i];
	a = sum/size;
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    d = sqrt(average[i*i] - (sum*sum)-(size))/(size-1);

This is where I am at now it seems like its putting me in the right area. Anyone verify for me if this is looking right?

void calcStatByRef( double average[], int size, double &m, double &v, double &a, double &d )
	double sum;
	m = average[0];
	v = average[size-1];
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
	sum += average[i];
	a = sum/size;
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
         d += pow(average[i]-a,2); 
         d = sqrt(d/(size-1));

Be sure the sum variable is initialized to zero before you try adding to it. Otherwise looks pretty good. I'd probably do something like this

double stdDev;
double sumOfSquaresOfDifferences = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)         
    sumOfSquaresOfDifferences += pow(average[i]-a,2);          
 stdDev = sqrt(sumOfSquaresOfDifferences/(size-1));

to increase readability.

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