I have this banking program that has a savings, checking account set up. The user has 4 options.

Checking, Saving, Balance, and monthly maintenance.

The checking option is all correct and never comes out weird...u can deposit everything and withdraw without any probs.

If i do that -- then i ask for an account balance -- it shows the correct numbers for the checking account(lets say i deposited 100, it says $100) and for savings it says $0.

Now if i try depositing money to the savings account, then try viewing its balance it comes out as 1.4+000e something or other, not the 100 i deposited. I know i had a similiar problem before and it was because i didnt tell a variable to equal zero to begin with.....

Here is my program(without the maintenance section, havent tried that yet!) please take a look and help me find out where the prob is. Ive been trying to tackle this for a good few hours, all the code here is written by me so i have legit. tried this thing...and seemed to have done a good job for a first timer....

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
  double savings = 0, checking = 0, withdraw_checking = 0, withdraw_savings = 0, deposit_checking = 0, deposit_savings = 0;
  string choice, yesno, depos_check, depos_savings;
  cout << "\n     *** ACME Bank ATM ***";
    cout << "\n\nChoose C)hecking S)avings B)alance M)onthly Maintenance: ";
    cin >> choice;
    // If choice is for the balance ...display totals of accounts.
    if (choice == "b" || choice == "B")
        cout << "Checking Balance:    $" << checking << setiosflags(ios:: showpoint) << setprecision(2);
        cout << "\nSavings Balance:   $" << savings;
    // If choice is for Checking account, display option to withdraw/deposit    
    if (choice == "c" || choice == "C")
        cout << "\nW)ithdrawal or D)eposit? :";
        cin >> depos_check;
        // If user asked to withdraw cash
        if (depos_check == "w" || depos_check == "W")
            cout << "Enter amount to withdraw from checking account:";
            cin >> withdraw_checking;
            // If withdraw leaves money in account....can do action.
            if (checking - withdraw_checking > 0)
               checking = checking - withdraw_checking;
            // if withdrawal is makes account under 0, then says sorry cannot do.   
               cout << "Cannot withdraw $" << withdraw_checking << ".00 from account( $" << checking << ".00 )";
               cout << "\nPlease deposit more funds or try a smaller withdrawal.";
        // If user asked to deposit funds. Asks how much then adds deposited funds to account (checking)   
        if (depos_check == "d" || depos_check == "D")
            cout << "Enter amount to deposit:";
            cin >> deposit_checking;
            checking = checking + deposit_checking;
       if (choice == "s" || choice == "S")
        cout << "\nW)ithdrawal or D)eposit? :";
        cin >> depos_savings;
        // If user asked to withdraw cash
        if (depos_savings == "w" || depos_savings == "W")
            cout << "Enter amount to withdraw from savings account:";
            cin >> withdraw_savings;
            // If withdraw leaves money in account....can do action.
            if (savings - withdraw_savings > 0)
               savings = savings - withdraw_savings;
            // if withdrawal is makes account under 0, then says sorry cannot do.   
               cout << "Cannot withdraw $" << withdraw_savings << ".00 from account( $" << savings << ".00 )";
               cout << "\nPlease deposit more funds or try a smaller withdrawal.";
        // If user asked to deposit funds. Asks how much then adds deposited funds to account (savings)   
        if (depos_savings == "d" || depos_savings == "D")
            cout << "Enter amount to deposit:";
            cin >> deposit_savings;
            savings = savings + deposit_savings;
    // Asks user if they wish to perform another task        
    cout << "\n\nDo another? (Y/N):";
    cin >> yesno;
  while (yesno == "y" || yesno == "Y");
  cout << "Thank you for using ACME Bank ATM!";
  return 0;

Also how do i make the program add 2 decimal places are the number i put in. Becaue if i put in 100 which my teacher wants me to do, then i check the balance it only displays $100. Now ive tried playing around with a few things as you will see under the check balance thing...could you take a look at that too!


I think something like this may help.

if (choice == "b" || choice == "B")
        cout << "Checking Balance: $" << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << fixed << checking << '\n';
        cout << "Savings Balance:  $" << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << fixed << savings  << endl;

I think something like this may help.

if (choice == "b" || choice == "B")
        cout << "Checking Balance: $" << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << fixed << checking << '\n';
        cout << "Savings Balance:  $" << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << fixed << savings  << endl;

Awesome your the man. Thanks got it working 100% now. You guys are all truely awesome. Thanks once again!

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