I am going to make OS. And I need help with GUI...how to make an GUI ?...I am not on Windows so CreateWindowEx() doesn't exist.

Do you already have a shell ? ;)
If not begin with that ...

How much of your OS is finished? If you're asking about the GUI you must at least have finished the kernel and a command-line interface. Will your OS have virtual memory? Multitasking? Obviously it must have a file system. Are you writing the device drivers yourself, too? Quite a project (unless you steal most of your code from linux). The GUI is the least of your worries.

How much of your OS is finished? If you're asking about the GUI you must at least have finished the kernel and a command-line interface. Will your OS have virtual memory? Multitasking? Obviously it must have a file system. Are you writing the device drivers yourself, too? Quite a project (unless you steal most of your code from linux). The GUI is the least of your worries.

Yup, you're absolutely right !!

But I just find it strange: He can write a kernel, but programming a Graphical Interface is too difficult ...

>He can write a kernel, but programming a Graphical Interface is too difficult ...
Two completely different things. Though the way the question is worded makes me think of a l33t h4x0r script kiddie with no clue at all about how complex an operating system is.

How about no windows, and just a call that passes something to write(a box of pixels) to the video device? That's a lot of components of code to write just there.

By the way, Laik, how much of an OS do you have? You will probably want to lean more towards C than C++.

To the OP:
-> Did you ever read a book about operating system design ?
-> How would you rate your C++ skills ?
(newbie - novice - advanced - expert)

If the answer to the first question is no and you aren't very good at C++, I think it would be better to just give up your project ...

(But ... maybe you should take a look at NewOS, it hasn't yet a Graphical Interface, but it has a Window Manager if I'm not wrong)
I think NewOS is the Operating System to learn from, compact and understandable code, if you're an advanced C++ programmer it should be no problem ...

-> Did you ever read a book about operating system design ?

Who needs books on OS design? :P

Yup, you're absolutely right !!

But I just find it strange: He can write a kernel, but programming a Graphical Interface is too difficult ...

I think it would be a large assumption to think he wrote a kernel. We are far from having enough information to begin answering this question.

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