Well i was looking in the paper the other day and they have this Word puzzle with a bunch of letters used to figure out what the quote of some famous guy was.
Basically they take every letter of the alphabet and just change them and print it out and you use that to figure out what the quote was and by whom.
I thought it would be a fun project to create a program that pretty much brute forces it. A User could Enter the cyrptograph and it would run through a list of Articles and words to put out a bunch of test possibilities.
I'd imagine this might take a little while to make but it seems like a fun project.. well at the moment heh.
Anyway my major conceptual problem is with how i'm going to load the words in for the program. Should they be in a excel sheet? In which case i might have an easier time with Visual Basic.. I'm not all that proficient with using Excel Sheets..
Or i could have a bunch of words listed in files. And then load them into an Array for each letter of the Alphabet. Leaving an Array for Articles to make things quicker right off the bat.
I could just load them all into one array and then make a bunch of array's of pointers for organizing them.. I don't know there's a few methods popping into my head.
I haven't actually made a program like this out side of class before but it seems like it would be a neat project. Anyway any advice would be appreciated. Oh and if anyone knows where i can find a list of words? I would imagine there's some floating around from when Brute Forcing was Popular.. when it was or if it still is? I don't know.
I was thinking about just making a program to scrape a bunch of words off of some random website like dictionary.com or something and then i realized.. i had no idea how to do that lol.
Anyway, Help would be Greatly Appreciated!