You are to design a class class called Employer data members:
char name[]
long int ID
double salary ,
and two constructors
_Default construtor Person ()
_Copy constructor Person
( char n[30],long int id,double s)
_setPerson (char n[30],long int id,double s)
that allows user to set information for each person
You have to define two classes that derived from class
Employee, called Manager and Secretary correspondingly. Each class should inherit all members from the base
class and has its own data members and member function as well. For example the
Manager should have a data member called degree for his/her undergraduated degree (e.g. diploma, bachelor, master, doctor), the
Secretary should have her contract (permanent, temporary). All member functions of derived class should be overiided from
their base class. Each derived class should have an operator << which allows user to output a person’s information to the screen.