Ok so im totally new to C++......we use Dev in our labs
I cnt seem to figure out how to store the column of a text file into an array. I understand how to input the file usinf ifstream.The columns have Lastname(initial), Id#, Age and Gpa.
i thought js doin

while (inFile>>ws && !infile.eof())
inFile>> Lastname[index];
cout << Lastname[index]<<endl;
would give me an array called Lastname. I am required to store each column into an array.
Can anyone help me please
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Listening to: Jack Johnson - Wrong turn
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i would use the getline function and make the delimiter the space between each element then store them in separate arrays

What if i use the inFile>>
like this

    inFile >> LstNme>> Id>> Age>> Gpa ;
    for (int i=0;i<index;i++)
        cout << LastName[i];
while(inFile>> ws &&!inFile.eof());

wats wrong with this?......

The bitwise operation

inFile >> LstNme>> Id>> Age>> Gpa ;

should work.

Wish I could say the same the rest of the loop.


If youre trying to save LstNme in the Lastname-array, these should be the other way around.

the for-loop doesnt really do anything, except save the same LstName variable index amount of times in to the array.

You should either make more arrays to save all the data ( name, id, GPA ) or make your own information structure, containing those datas, and creating an array of that type.

I ended up doing this

while(inFile>>ws && !inFile.eof())
        inFile >> ch;
        inFile >> Id;
        inFile >> Age;
        inFile >> Gpa;
        LastName[index]= ch;
        /*StudentAge[index]= Age;
        StudentGpa[index]= Gpa; */

but i can only get the LastName array.... the other ones when taken out of comments give me gibberrish.......i will continue trying

What sort of gibberish? :)

Are you sure the arrays are defined and visible in your function? And are you sure you are trying the insert the right sort of data in to the arrays?

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