Hi I am new to C++ and I'm trying to create a console program that quizzes you using some of my old quizzes. My only problem is when I get to questions where there are spaces between the word it messes up. Here's an example:

string answer1 = "anything\0that\0has\0mass\0and\0occupies\0space";
string userresponse1;
cout <<  "1.  Define matter.\n";
cin  >> userresponse1;
if (userresponse1 == answer1)
                  cout << "Correct" << endl;
                  score += 1;
    cout << "Incorrect" << endl;

I enter the answer, but it goes ahead and and answers the next question and the one following that. My question is can you compare strings with spaces in it?

When you ask the user for data using cin >> , only the part up to the first white space (in this case the first word the user enters) will be stored in the variable. Use getline instead of >> in order to get a full line from the user.

Also, use spaces, not '\0', in answer1.

Yes you can. More simply than you can imagine.
The only problem is that you shouldn't be playing with the null character '\0'.

string answer1 = "anything that has mass and occupies space";
string userresponse1;
cout << "1. Define matter.\n";
getline(cin,userresponse1);//<<<<<See the difference
if (userresponse1 == answer1)
cout << "Correct" << endl;
score += 1;
cout << "Incorrect" << endl;

The moral is, use getline when you know that the user response will include spaces.

Always post your code in the code tags:

[code=cplusplus] //your code goes here


Thank you so much. I'm sorry next time I'll remember to put code tags. This was my first post. Thanks again.

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