I am new at programming and need help:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
int a, b, c, area, tri_area;

area = tri_area(a, b, c);

if area (area>0);
cout << "Area is "<<area<<"!"<<endl;
cout << " Those values tri_angle " <<endl;

double tri_area (double a, double b, double c)
    double s, t, area;
    s = (a + b + c)/2;
    t = s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c);
    if (t>0)
    else area = -1;
    return area;


For future reference, you might want to explain more on what the problem is... there are a variety of evaluations, and you did not specify which one was the faulty one.

I have a problem with this line:

if area (area>0);

What are you trying to evaluate here? Did you realize that by placing the ; after the expression, that you don't have a "then" part?" I think you need to re-work this evaluation/control logic.


I am new at programming and need help:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
int a, b, c, area, tri_area;

area = tri_area(a, b, c);

if area (area>0);
cout << "Area is "<<area<<"!"<<endl;
cout << " Those values tri_angle " <<endl;

double tri_area (double a, double b, double c)
    double s, t, area;
    s = (a + b + c)/2;
    t = s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c);
    if (t>0)
    else area = -1;
    return area;

Looks like you are mixing pseudo code with code! Somehow you have to give values to a, b and c. Don't mix int and double, pick one or the other. The list goes on ...


For future reference, you might want to explain more on what the problem is... there are a variety of evaluations, and you did not specify which one was the faulty one.

I have a problem with this line:

if area (area>0);

What are you trying to evaluate here? Did you realize that by placing the ; after the expression, that you don't have a "then" part?" I think you need to re-work this evaluation/control logic.


I am trying to write a program that inputs the lengths of sides of a triangle. then output the area of a triangle. by using a double valued function called tri_area

int a, b, c, area, tri_area;
// computer reads your mind to find out what values a, b, and c should have
area = tri_area(a, b, c);

Plus much, much more.

Do you have a specific question?

i see a lot wrong with this and i'm not that experienced a programmer but i do know how to write a program that does what he's trying to do. I'm not doing his homework though.

Do you have a specific question?

getting closer
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "double __cdecl tri_area(double,double,double)" (?tri_area@@YANNNN@Z) referenced in function _main

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double tri_area(double,double,double);
int main(){
    double a,b,c,area;
    cout<<"Enter coefficients: ";
        cout<<"There are no equal sides."<<endl;
        cout<<"Area: "<<area<<endl;
    return 0;
double sdisc(double a,double b,double c){
    double s, t, area;
    s= (a + b + c)/2;
    t= s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c);
    return area;
double sdisc(double a,double b,double c){

Where did sdisc come in?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double tri_area(double,double,double);
int main()
   double a,b,c,area;
   cout<<"Enter coefficients: ";
   if ( area<0 )
      cout<<"There are no equal sides."<<endl;
      cout<<"Area: "<<area<<endl;
   return 0;
double tri_area(double a,double b,double c)
   double s, t, area;
   s= (a + b + c)/2;
   t= s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c);
   if ( t<0 )
   return area;

/* my output
Enter coefficients: 3 4 5
Area: 6
double sdisc(double a,double b,double c){

Where did sdisc come in?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double tri_area(double,double,double);
int main()
   double a,b,c,area;
   cout<<"Enter coefficients: ";
   if ( area<0 )
      cout<<"There are no equal sides."<<endl;
      cout<<"Area: "<<area<<endl;
   return 0;
double tri_area(double a,double b,double c)
   double s, t, area;
   s= (a + b + c)/2;
   t= s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c);
   if ( t<0 )
   return area;

/* my output
Enter coefficients: 3 4 5
Area: 6

sdisc was a mistake i made trying to put this problem together from a make of another problem. thanks for the help -its apreciated -and to the dude that thinks he is doing peoples homework for them- maybe ou should quit being involved on the internet-their are a lot of people who look for help -not for agrivation

You guys are really cool to help me out . i may not be as smart as you guys now but i'll catch up THanks

sdisc was a mistake i made trying to put this problem together from a make of another problem. thanks for the help -its apreciated -and to the dude that thinks he is doing peoples homework for them- maybe ou should quit being involved on the internet-their are a lot of people who look for help -not for agrivation

you was aggravated?

anyway, i think somehow emotions got involved and i think you missed it,

i was trying to help you, but doing it all for you isn't really helping you

i understand you feel a little defensive, that's cool, we all do that sometimes

i'm here to learn and help if i can and the offer still stands

do you have a specific question?

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