Hey everyone,

I wrote a code which runs a game of rock paper scissors, and each time you lose, it counts down until at 0, it exits. The only way I've been able to exit the code is to throw in a 'sys.exit()' command. I hear there are better ways to exit, but don't understand them. Especially the use of the 'main' function, which is not well-explained in many web sources.

I am going to post the code below. If you can think of a better way to end, please let me know. Also, because I am new to coding and especially to Object Oriented Programming, if you see smarter ways to do anything in the code, please point them out. All suggestions are appreciated.


import re
import random
from numpy import *

condition = 'true'

class RockPaperScissors:

	'''Rock paper scissors game, best of 3'''

	def __init__(self, tries, points):
		self.tries = tries
		self.points = points
		self.entry = str(raw_input('Enter rock, paper, scissors (NO CAPS)' '\n'))
		'Reads in users call'
		print '---------------------' '\n' 'You picked %s' % self.entry  

	def random(self):
		'Generates a random number'
		number = random.randint(1, 3000)       
		'Test if even or odd'
		if number <= 10:
			output = 'paper'
		elif number < 20:
			output = 'scissors'
			output = 'rock'
		print 'Computer draws', output	
		return output                      

	def decision(self, rand_output):
		'Decides if win, draw or loss'
		self.rand_output = rand_output  
		if rand_output == self.entry:    
			print 'A draw!'
			self.tries += 0
			status = 'no'		
		elif rand_output == 'rock' and self.entry == 'paper':
			print 'You Win'
			self.tries += 1
			status = 'yes'
		elif rand_output == 'rock' and self.entry == 'scissors':
			print 'You Lose'
			self.tries -= 1
			status = 'no'		

		elif rand_output == 'paper' and self.entry == 'rock':
			print 'You Lose'
			self.tries -= 1
			status = 'no'

		elif rand_output == 'paper' and self.entry == 'scissors':
			print 'You Win'
			self.tries += 1
			status = 'no'

		elif rand_output == 'scissors' and self.entry == 'paper':
			print 'You Lose'
			self.tries -= 1
			status = 'no'

		elif rand_output == 'scissors' and self.entry == 'rock':
			print 'You Win'
			self.tries += 1
			status = 'yes'

		print 'Tries left =', self.tries	
		return status

	def score(self, dec_output):
		self.dec_output = dec_output
		'Assigns points based on win or loss'				
		if dec_output == 'yes':
			self.points += 100
			self.points += 0

		print 'You earned', self.points, 'points'

		newscore = self.points

		return newscore

	def exit(self):
		if self.tries == 0:
			condition = 'false'		
			print 'GAME OVER-'

		remaining_tries = self.tries

		return remaining_tries

load = RockPaperScissors(3, 0)   	
#3 is the number of tries to star with, 0 is the number of points
output_rand = load.random()             
output_decision = load.decision(output_rand)         
output_score =load.score(output_decision)            
output_exit = load.exit()

while condition == 'true':
	print '--------------------------' '\n'
	load = RockPaperScissors(output_exit, output_score)
	output_rand = load.random()             
	output_decision = load.decision(output_rand)            
	output_score =load.score(output_decision)  
	output_exit = load.exit()

Yeah, there is another way

def exit(self):
		if self.tries == 0:
			condition = 'false'		
			print 'GAME OVER-'
			return False

		remaining_tries = self.tries
                return remaining_tries

Then just put this at the end of the Main function

if output_exit == False:

That way, when it returns false the main function exits. The program will then end because there is no code left :)

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the input but I"m still a bit confused. Should I define a main function then? If so, what exactly do I need?

I would basically put all of this in the main function.

load = RockPaperScissors(3, 0)   	
#3 is the number of tries to star with, 0 is the number of points
output_rand = load.random()             
output_decision = load.decision(output_rand)         
output_score =load.score(output_decision)            
output_exit = load.exit()

while condition == 'true':
	print '--------------------------' '\n'
	load = RockPaperScissors(output_exit, output_score)
	output_rand = load.random()             
	output_decision = load.decision(output_rand)            
	output_score =load.score(output_decision)  
	output_exit = load.exit()

So then it will look like this:

def main()
    load = RockPaperScissors(3, 0)   	
    #3 is the number of tries to star with, 0 is the number of points
    output_rand = load.random()             
    output_decision = load.decision(output_rand)         
    output_score =load.score(output_decision)            
    output_exit = load.exit()

    while condition == 'true':
            print '--------------------------' '\n'
            load = RockPaperScissors(output_exit, output_score)
            output_rand = load.random()             
            output_decision = load.decision(output_rand)            
            output_score =load.score(output_decision)  
            output_exit = load.exit()

And then we can add in out exit condition.

def main()
    load = RockPaperScissors(3, 0)   	
    #3 is the number of tries to star with, 0 is the number of points
    output_rand = load.random()             
    output_decision = load.decision(output_rand)         
    output_score =load.score(output_decision)            
    output_exit = load.exit()

    while condition == 'true':
            print '--------------------------' '\n'
            load = RockPaperScissors(output_exit, output_score)
            output_rand = load.random()             
            output_decision = load.decision(output_rand)            
            output_score =load.score(output_decision)  
            output_exit = load.exit()
            if output_exit == False:

And that will work if you have changed the exit function to the one i outlined above.

Hope that helps:)

Certainly helps, thanks alot.

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