Hi guys, I have a problem.

Im trying to read from a file which contains

one, two, three, four.

The output I get is

But I want to make it read every other line.

How would I go about that?

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
public class FileSkipLine
 public static void main( String strarrArgs[] )
  File   myFile;
  Scanner myScanner;
  boolean bContinue;
  String  strLine;

   myFile = new File( "C:\\temp\\data.txt" );

   myScanner = new Scanner( myFile );
   bContinue = myScanner.hasNext( );
   while( bContinue == true ) 

    strLine   = myScanner.nextLine( );
    System.out.println( strLine );
    bContinue = myScanner.hasNext( );
  catch( FileNotFoundException exp )
   System.out.println( " didn't find the file, does it exist? is the location correct? ");
  catch( Exception exp )
   System.out.println( " an exception happened, here is the message " + exp.getMessage( ) );
   exp.printStackTrace( ); 
  } }  }

Read every line but ignore every other one - ie read/read/print/read/read/print etc

Read every line but ignore every other one - ie read/read/print/read/read/print etc

okay so this is what i did inside the while loop

while( bContinue == true ) 

    strLine   = myScanner.nextLine( );
    strLine   = myScanner.nextLine( );
    System.out.println( strLine );
    bContinue = myScanner.hasNext( );

it gives me the second line and fourth line etc and an error.


... so, the game is to guess what error you got?

My guess is "NoSuchElementException".

If my guess wins, try

int count = 0;
while (myScanner.hasNextLine()) {
    strLine = myScanner.nextLine();
    if (count % 2 == 1) {
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