can some one help me how to use gotoxy in making a program that all the sentence in center !!!! thanks !!!!

Which compiler(*) are you using?
What have you tried so far - can you gotoxy anywhere at all, and just need the math for centring (for example)?
Post an attempt (and read the howto post code threads FIRST)

(*) I'm gonna guess TurboC running on top of XP just for the hell of it.

Why do you want to do it ? And what have you done ? ask this to yourself always before asking for help here !!!

>I'm gonna guess TurboC running on top of XP just for the hell of it.
Trust me, he is :)

To the OP:
If you really need conio, go and get a decent compiler like MinGW and use this conio implementation for it :)
That would already be a lot better !

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