I recently installed Ubunty Jaunty (Linux). I checked out the Linux version of the Codeblocks IDE. Obviously things like

system ( "pause" );

didn't work because of the operating system. Is there a library I can include -- or a package I can install -- that will give me access to those commands? I have dosemu but I like the IDE.

Maybe this should go in the Linux forum but I don't want to cross post.

Or you could learn the portable way to do the same thing.

Then you don't have to worry about which OS is involved.

I think a better way to go about it is to change your code to do it the Linux way. You shouldn't be using system anyway because it is bad for security.

Show which commands you're using from DOS and I can help you figure out how to do it in Linux without emulating DOS.

Noooo! Not system("pause") again :(
I get tired of saying it: use cin.get(); instead :)

Tom Gunn, thanks, but I'll try to figure them out myself.

tux4life, most of what I write is for school and I had a professor who had a vendetta against cin.get for some reason so I got into the habit.

tux4life, most of what I write is for school and I had a professor who had a vendetta against cin.get for some reason so I got into the habit.

Refer him to the link in my previous post then, if he doesn't understand what they're saying there then he might not be a suitable person to be a teacher.

Not worth it. He was a pretty good teacher otherwise and the semester's over anyway so I don't have to worry about it until the next time I have him.

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