total = 0
max_score = -1
min_score = 100000000
total_numbers = 0
x = 0
y = 0
print("Enter a list of numbers, (Enter -1 to stop) ")
print ("Press the enter key after entering each number")
print ("End the list by entering -1")
print ()
number = int(input(""))
while number != -1:
total = total + number
if number > max_score:
max_score = number
if number < min_score:
min_score = number
total_numbers = total_numbers + 1
average = total / total_numbers
if x < average:
x = x + 1
if number <= 50:
y = y + 1
number = int(input(""))
print ()
print ("You have entered " + str(total_numbers) + " scores ")
print ()
print ("The top score is " + str(max_score))
print ()
print ("The lowest score is " + str(min_score))
print ()
print ("The class average is %0.3f " % (average))
print ()
print (str(x) + " students scored above the class average ")
print (str(y) + " students passed the final exam ")
while 1:
print ()
if 'y' in input("Do you want to run the program again? (y/n) "):
print ()
print ('Thank you for using this program!')
print ()
print ('Goodbye!')
print("Enter a list of numbers, (Enter -1 to stop) ")
print ("Press the enter key after entering each number")
print ("Signal the end of the list by entering -1")
print ()
number = int(input(""))
max_score = -1
min_score = 100000000
total = 0
total_numbers = 0
x = 0
y = 0
while number != -1:
total = total + number
if number > max_score:
max_score = number
if number < min_score:
min_score = number
total_numbers = total_numbers + 1
average = total / total_numbers
if x < average:
x = x + 1
if number <= 50:
y = y + 1
number = int(input(""))
print ()
print ("You have entered " + str(total_numbers) + " scores ")
print ()
print ("The top score is " + str(max_score))
print ()
print ("The lowest score is " + str(min_score))
print ()
print ("The class average is %0.3f " % (average))
print (str(x) + " students scored above the class average ")
print (str(y) + " students passed the final exam ")
how many people scored above average - how do i find this?
how many people passed the course (i.e. scored >= 50) - how do i find this?
Please help, thanks