I wanna copy an NTFs partition to another partition of same type and same size.And I tried with windows function
Copyfile() and it worked but slow speed is a problem.Then I did with readfile() and WriteFile() instead of Copyfile() again speed is a problem.
How can I get a better speed...??
I did the same operation in kernel mode and getting slow performance using zwCreatefile() ,zwReadfile() & zwWriteFile()...
How can I get a better speed .....?
Any idea to help me...
I know fundamentally Kernel mode(ring 0) is slower than User mode in speed ,(even if ring 0 can access Hardware directly).....
Apart them these I tried also Asynchronous operation by setting OVERLAPPED flag in CreateFile.... getting small improvement....
But that one doesn't give reasonable speed......
Any idea to help...
I have used the Acronis Disk director suite.I exclaimed after finding it's speed......???
Any idea to help me...???
Thanking you