HI everyone. :) .I hope you can help me my function . I want the user to enter number of level "There are two levels" and then display students records in that level sorted by id .the one I wrote sorts then displays so the output is wrong .I tried to put the sort part after the level check but the program crashed. Any ideas??

here is the code

void displaysortbyID()
       int levelno;
	  struct school *pre;
      struct school *move;
      struct school *temp;
      temp = (school *) malloc (sizeof(school));
      printf("\nEnter the number of level ");
     while (move!=NULL)
      if ((pre->id)>(move->id))
	   } /*End of sorting*/
	 { move=head;
	  while (move!=NULL)
		  {printf("\n\n The output is\n ");
          printf("\n\n  Id : %d",move->id);

		  printf("\n  Name : %s",move->name);

		  printf("\n  Adress : %s",move->address);
	      printf("\n  Phone : %d",move->phone);
		  printf("\n  Sex: %s",move->sex);

		  printf("\n  Level : %d",move-> level);
		  printf("\n  Average : %f",move->average);}
		  move = move->next;
        }// end of while .

Here you go as in initial pass!

But you really need to swap the node links, not the contents of the node.

Also you should use a more complex sort then a slow bubble sort!

void displaysortbyID( void )
	struct school *pre;
	struct school *move;
	struct school temp;
	bool bFlg;
                 int levelno;

	printf("\nEnter the number of level ");

	bFlg = true;

	while (bFlg)			// Simple bubble sort. Loop until no swaps occur!
	               move = head;
		bFlg = false;

		while (NULL != move->next)
                                               pre = move;
			move = move->next;

			if ( pre->id > move->id )		// Previous > next then need to swap
				temp.id = pre->id;
				pre->id = move->id;
				move->id = temp.id;
				bFlg = true;				// A swap occured!
	}				/*End of sorting*/

	for ( move = head; NULL != move; move = move->next)
		if (move->level == levelno)
			printf("\n\n The output is\n ");
			printf("\n\n  Id : %d",move->id);

			printf("\n  Name : %s",move->name);

			printf("\n  Adress : %s",move->address);
			printf("\n  Phone : %d",move->phone);

			printf("\n  Sex: %s",move->sex);

			printf("\n  Level : %d",move-> level);
			printf("\n  Average : %f",move->average);
	} // end of while .


That should give you the gist of what you need to do. But you don't want to be swapping the contents of records. You want to swap pointers.

if (head == pre)
    head = pre->next;

int i = pre->next;
pre->next = move->next;
move->next = i;

So they will be swapped!

And don't forget once swapped
---> mov ---> pre ---->
So set mov = pre or you'll wastefully retest mov to pre which you've just finished swapping!

Thanks alot. I'm going to try this now .

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