Hello, I happen to be a novice in the realm of C++, and I'm currently confused due to this error when trying to run my application:
"Assertion Failed. Expression 'stream != NULL' ".
I've looked it up, and nothing that comes up can answer why it gives me said error. I believe it has something to do with my code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
using namespace System;

int extractfiledata(const char oldf[], const char newf[])
	char idx[256];
	long size;
	FILE * tmpf, * updf;
	fopen_s(&tmpf, oldf, "w");
	fopen_s(&updf, newf, "r");
	size = ftell(updf);
	if(tmpf != NULL && updf != NULL)
		while(fread(idx, 1, size, updf))
			string tmpstr(idx);
			int pos=0;
			int chk=0;
				if(sizeof(updf) >= 256 && pos >= 256)
				if(chk == sizeof(updf))
				fwrite(&idx[pos], 1, sizeof(&idx[pos]), tmpf);
	return 0;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
	char oldfile[] = "DoesThisWork.txt";
	char newfile[] = "DoesThisWork2.txt";
	extractfiledata(oldfile, newfile);
    return 0;

I'm basically trying to copy text from one file over to another file via strings. Any help is appreciated, thanks ahead of time.

read this article Seems to me it would be a whole lot easier to use managed streams. Don't ask me how because I have not done it. Something like this article.

> size = ftell(updf);
You do this BEFORE checking the file was opened successfully.

Besides, you just opened the file for reading, so the answer is trivially going to be zero.

> if(sizeof(updf)
This isn't going to tell you anything useful about the file.

> while(fread(idx, 1, size, updf))
Use fgets() to read a text file.

> fopen_s(&tmpf, oldf, "w");
I would generally advise avoiding non-portable vendor-specific functions.

Thanks for the help, got it to work.

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