This is a general question, so, I don't think code is necessary.
I have a basic question about buttons in Win32 API... (Solution in MFC is also OK!).
I was doing some experiments in push buttons, using MFC... I can enable/disable a button as I wish, but, there is one thing I can't do and I am not able find how is the action "termed". So I will explain it :
From, a user's point of view, if I am going through settings of an application, there are various buttons and if I want to enable a setting, I click a button. The button stays Pushed. One more example is, If you are on XP and click on Start button, the button stays pushed until you click somewhere else or close the Start Menu...
So, is there anyway we can do this except do a bitmap button ourselves and define statuses?
I hope I am clear in my question...
Thanks in Advance