We use Windows Form1.h to interface an existing C++ program. The existing program is changed by other people and I have to update the interface. To do that I copy all folders of the older project to a different place and then introduce the changes there.

The problem is, that it is difficult to tell what version I'm working on since the name at the top of the Visual Studio IDE is the same as the earlier version.
-what do I change to see a different name at the top?
-is duplicating folders the best method for making new versions?


>>what do I change to see a different name at the top?
Are you concerned with the version of the compiler (e.g. VC++ 2005 or VC++ 2008) or the version of the program?

-is duplicating folders the best method for making new versions?
IMO -- yes. The released version of those programs should be archived off somewhere, such as on disk or in a CVS type verson control program.

I want the Project Name to change in the upper left.

Oh wow. I Found It

Change the name of the .sln file.
(Don't forget to do a re-build anytime you do something outside the IDE.)

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