Hi! I' m looking for this header source "msp430x26x.h "... could someone help me? If you have the header source, could you send me an email? I'm [email snipped]



Shouldn't you buy the Code Composer Studio IDE from Texas Instruments for their MSP430 processor? (Or atleast download their evaluation version available on their website?)

Or look into the GCC ToolChain?

commented: insightful. you also, at this moment, have 420 posts. +14

You need more then just the header files. How would your compiler know what to do with just the headers?

Go here

alberton, generally speaking you can't just go and grab some missing header file off the interwebs and expect it to work. these types of headers are often built for your system, and even if you got a header file to work, you'd likely find yourself in an sequential procession of one missing header file after another.

so.. what Nick and Wildgoose said. go build (or rebuild) the development environment source files correctly.

commented: Absolutely! +36
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