I need help to sort this numbers, but the problem is it won't like i want it to be with the decimals. I tried changing the int to double but then the program will not run. Here is the code, please provide feedback.
using namespace std;
// function prototypes
void selection_sort(int input_array[], int input_size);
void display_array(int input_array[], int input_size);
int main()
int nums[25] = {2.345, 6.8245, 7.623467, 2345.6543, 7625.33, 24365.672,
2435.23454, 717689.651, 87984, 656.41654, 0.8546, -95654.121,
564.6541321, 12.12, 1546.4500, 0.5496, 0.123, 984.456, 2184.456,
551.5465, 555.1234, 666.4567, 777.6512, 0.0004, 0.1200};
int length = 25;
cout << "The array before the sort:\n";
display_array(nums, length);
selection_sort(nums, length);
cout << "The array after the sort:\n";
display_array(nums, length);
return 0;
// Selection sort procedure. Sorts an array of ints in descending order.
void selection_sort(int input_array[], int input_size)
int i, j;
int small, temp;
for (i = input_size - 1; i > 0; i--)
small = 0; // Initialize small to first element.
// Find the smallest element between the positions 1 and i.
for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
if (input_array[j] < input_array[small])
small = j;
// Swap the smallest element found with element in position i.
temp = input_array[small];
input_array[small] = input_array[i];
input_array[i] = temp;
// Function that simply displays each element of input_array.
void display_array(int input_array[], int input_size)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < input_size; i++)
cout << input_array[i] << ' ';
cout << "\n\n";