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35 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for orwell84

If max is the number of primes ,you originally want then why are you looping to maxprimes (or is it[I] MAXPRIMES[/I]) ( @siddhant3s : [QUOTE] if you can make it run, get us back. [/QUOTE] ) [CODE] //while (count < maxprimes) //shouldn't it be (count < max) [/CODE] But even …

Member Avatar for orwell84
Member Avatar for blue3hree

Even this line needs some correection: [CODE=c] scanf("&d", &items); [/CODE] In your second program, why do you think [CODE=c] float ratio, score=0, items; [/CODE] the number of items should be in floats.The reason why i ask is this: [CODE=c] for(count=0; count!=items; count++) [/CODE] Mixing integers and floats may lead to …

Member Avatar for zalezog
Member Avatar for daeuse

[CODE=c] char Repeat ; . . cin >> Repeat ; [/CODE] Possibly you take BMI as input which leaves a '\n' in buffer which is accepted by [ICODE]Repeat[/ICODE] and you don't get a yes / no chance. Either clear the buffer using standard C++ way or use strings [ICODE]string Repeat;[/ICODE] …

Member Avatar for daeuse
Member Avatar for ueoptimum

Search for aheader file which contains these functions under Turbo C [CODE=C] getch(); clrscr (); gotoxy (35,12); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for zalezog
Member Avatar for RobBrown

hmm, let's C:twisted: [CODE=c] void userInput (int matrix[R_SIZE][C_SIZE], int row, int col) //gathering user input { /*You are using a for loop in main().This function just accepts input for a paticular row and column*/ /* This is the trouble >> scanf("%d", &matrix[R_SIZE][C_SIZE]); Here is the major problem.This should have resulted …

Member Avatar for anandi ilu
Member Avatar for gretty

[QUOTE=gretty;955772]Hello I have a program that prints a menu & the user is prompted to input a choice(1,2 or 3) if they input anything else, the output should be "Invalid Choice". [B] My Problem[/B] is that if a user inputs anything other than 1,2 or 3, then the program crashes, …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for gretty

[QUOTE=gretty] I am supposed to use a binary search ... [/QUOTE] Binary Search would come into picture only iff you have a sorted input like dell, bell etc and corresponding sorted array to search for. Your examples don't have a sorted string in most of the cases. But if we …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for jake43

[QUOTE] void selection_sort(double input_array[], int input_size); void display_array(double input_array[], int input_size); [/QUOTE] True. But the program still wouldn't work This line [CODE] int small, temp; [/CODE] small (its the index)is Ok but temp stores the value of the element in the double[] input_array, so you will always have a truncated …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for dzhugashvili

I doubt whether this will help..:S , your read_in file remains intact, your read_out now is: [CODE=c++] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string word; // even while((cin >> word)) works while(getline(cin, word)) for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) cout << word[i] << …

Member Avatar for dzhugashvili
Member Avatar for gretty

I didn't want to poke but [I]firstPerson[/I]'s method doesn't take into account the frequency of characters, so for inputs like s1 = roorsseett s2 = sosretetet returns true. letter s1 s2 r 2 1 o 2 1 . . or inputs like s1 = rorre s2 = oroee returns true. …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for hollywoood

You haven't said anything about the desired output of your program, the total you were expecting, what testsdid you do , if you ae using compound interest, then the formula looks wrong to me. Whether the interest rates are given directly or you are supposed to divide by 100 and …

Member Avatar for hollywoood
Member Avatar for hollywoood

[CODE] double interest = .00575; [/CODE] I think the monthly interest is given. [CODE] double monthlyInterest = interest * 12; [/CODE] is actually the yearlyInterest which comes to ~ 7 %. Well, if you are calculating the total with the 'monthly' interest, the formula should have been [CODE] total = …

Member Avatar for zalezog
Member Avatar for des6043

Well,It also gives me an error. [CODE] syntax error before else [/CODE] every where when you have else statements coming ahead of else if statements. May be we can alter the structure of the program , if suppose you have a candidate getting less than 35, you still get into …

Member Avatar for des6043
Member Avatar for DoEds

[quote] I dont know how work with the overtime... here's my code.. [CODE=c]#include <stdio.h> int main() { int day,hRate,wHours,; int total = 0; int i = 1; float cTax,gross,salary,nSalary,aTotal; float tax = .12; printf("Enter Hourly Rate: "); scanf("%d",&hRate); printf("Enter number of days you've worked: "); scanf("%d",&day); if (i <= day) …

Member Avatar for DoEds
Member Avatar for gcah

[quote] int index=0; while(arr[index] != 15) //15 as an example the value we r looking for { index++; } [/quote] What if '15' does not exist in the array, what happens then ? How far will index go ? or, if there are multiple copies of '15'?

Member Avatar for gcah
Member Avatar for Cromarte888

Another approach could be 1.Make another userGuess string. 2. First , fill all the characters in userGuess string with underscores( _ ). 3.Make changes in the userGuess string. [CODE=cplusplus] guess(); //call member function of letter chosen ltrpos = gameWord.find(gameGuess); cout << "You have chosen the letter " << gameGuess << …

Member Avatar for Cromarte888
Member Avatar for pltndragon

[QUOTE=pltndragon;922048] Why doesn't it calculate the average properly, or how do you get it to calculate the average without changing using the lowest grade in the calculation. Thanks. [/QUOTE] [CODE=cplusplus] //Get lowest lowest = scores[0]; //Without the for loop code works fine. //for ( int count = 1; count < …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

cin>>passage; cin would stop reading as soon as it encounters a space ! Use getline instead: getline (cin , passage) while(letter!='\n') { cin.get(letter); while(letter=" "); //<<extra character makes it redundant;) //while(isspace(cin.peek())&&letter=='\n') { cin.get(letter); cout<<"the letter is"<<letter; space++; } } Instead , for (int i = 0 ; i < passage.length() …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for bhagyaraj

The series breaks down to:: 1 - 2 / (2 *1) +3 / (3*2!) -.... i.e 1 - 1 + 1/2! - 1/3! So the first (major) 2 terms of the series cancel out. Now, may be you define a variable [CODE]int sign_carrier = 1 ; long fact = 1; …

Member Avatar for bhagyaraj
Member Avatar for massivefermion

Since you are just finding the prime factors of a number,how about something like this:: [CODE=c++] //fragment code where num is your real number if(num>0) { for(int i=1;i<=num;++i) { if(i==1) { cout<<i<<" ";//Can be done without it continue;//Don't dare get into a while loop with 1 } while(num%i==0) { cout<<i<<" …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for YingKang

[QUOTE] ..problem is after the program works the first time, then the user wants to do it again( which I use a while loop) , for example , choose row 1 B, the form will show X at row 1 B, but not the row 2 A ( which the …

Member Avatar for YingKang
Member Avatar for songweaver

I think in the function [CODE] void displayInstructions () //You should be passing //these parameters by reference //float initial, fuel, taxRate; //since you seem to use those values in // float totalHouseCost (float initial, float fuel, float taxRate) //and in float totalHouseCost (float initial, float fuel, float taxRate) //you must …

Member Avatar for zalezog
Member Avatar for erialclaire_238

[QUOTE] [CODE=c] for(c=0;c<5;c++) { if(d==no[c]) loc=loc+1;<<< change it to loc=i; //But where is i,the control variable is c //Should be loc=c [/CODE] [/QUOTE] This would certainly work if all the numbers are distinct,else you 'll get only the last occurrence of that number in the 'loc'

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for FEARmike21

[QUOTE=siddhant3s] [CODE] for(int i;i<len-1;i++)//No initialization of i //you surely meant //for(int i=0; i<len ;i++) { if(str[i]=' ')//is this right?? and what if last character is a space. . . [/CODE] [/QUOTE] Instead use strings.

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for nparrish15

First,for a a number in an array call it as [CODE] int num;[/CODE] [CODE=c] //Your expression for evaluating control variable //certainly doesn't give all the factors,referring to //for (int j = 2; j <= floor (sqrt((double)integerIn)); j++) //try for integerIn=999; //999's square root lying between 31 and 32 while one …

Member Avatar for arghasen
Member Avatar for Himerz

[QUOTE] converts lower case letters to upper case letters. . . not display strange characters [/QUOTE] You were displaying all the letters [CODE=c] for (loopCount= 0;loopCount < numLetters;loopCount++) { //to display CAPITAL letters //You enter inside if block only if it is a small letter. //else you don't display the …

Member Avatar for zalezog
Member Avatar for bemo55

[QUOTE] capacity: 10 seats [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [CODE] int seat[40]={0}; /*What for?*/ [/CODE] [/QUOTE] You don't loop through your statements to see whether [I] both the choices work for you [/I] [CODE] if (choice =2) [/CODE] If suppose I have booked a ticket,have you placed a 1 in the index position …

Member Avatar for zalezog
Member Avatar for FrancisC07

You almost got it right . [CODE=c++] char name[5][50]; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { cin.getline(name[i], 50); } for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { //or cout<<name[i]<<"\n"; cout<<**(name+i)<<endl; } [/CODE] [CODE]*name[i][/CODE] is equivalent to [CODE]**(name+i)[/CODE] which displays only the first character of the line entered. Also you don't require a buffer as [CODE]cin.getline(...)[/CODE] automatically appends a '\0' …

Member Avatar for zalezog
Member Avatar for AdRock

Though ,not a good approach but the following approach does work.(if your input contains texts which are separated by more than a couple of newlines,expect some unexpected characters in the output) Inside the while loop [CODE] while (getline(filename, line)) //Loop through lines { char str[BUFSIZ] ;//BUFSIZ // already defined in …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for nitu_thakkar

[QUOTE=nitu_thakkar;779631]suppose i want to do shift left operation on x=1010 y=x<<1 it will shift left the value & make x=0100 but how can i store that shifted value... in other variable...? please help me to solve this query[/QUOTE] 1. l x=10; and left shifting the bits once does not give …

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral

The End.