I want to track changes done to wxListCtrl as user Updates it (via my custom dialog of course). I will be querying and saving updates from and to database. the problem I have in thinking how to track changes and enable/disable save button as well as update the database (when save button clicked)

Any suggestion on how to do it? :(

Well, this is certainly a loaded question.

First thing to do is to save two copies of the query results so there is a working copy, and an original copy. Then I would bind to EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT from the wx.ListCtrl, that way you know when a label has possibly been change. Then compare the new label of the working copy to the corresponding label of the original copy, and if a change has happened, then enable the save button (buttonname.Enable(True) to enable)

I know my explanation was a bit general, do you want a more specific answer?

I know my explanation was a bit general, do you want a more specific answer?

Thanks for even that geanaral question. I want to be full loaded with bullets before tackle that pert of project. You can be as specific as you want. In short NO limitation!

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