A bit of problem here, if anyone can help, I would appreciate any and all help with this. Thank you in advance.
Now I have no errors but when I execute the program I get this:
Big Bank: Monthly Checking Account Activity
----------- Account ----------- Beginning With- Ending Over- Credit Cd
Name Id Type Balance + Deposit - drawal - Fee = Balance draft Advance
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at CheckingAccountsTest.handleAccount(CheckingAccountsTest.java :103)
at CheckingAccountsTest.main(CheckingAccountsTest.java:56)
G:\ ~1>
The Pseudo code state's this
WHILE (myFile.getEofFound() IS FALSE)
A-1-2-09) DEFINE a String Array named myFields, and ASSIGN it the value myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray()
A-1-2-10) IF (myFields[indexForAccountType].equals(CheckingAccount.getAccountType()))
A-1-2-11) INSTANTIATE a local variable named currentAccount of class CheckingAccount, passing the following arguments:
A-1-2-12) myFields[indexForAccountId], myFields[indexForFirstName], myFields[indexForLastName],
A-1-2-13) Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForBalance])
A-1-2-14) CALL method handleAccount of this class, passing the following arguments: currentAccount, myFile, myFields
A-1-2-15) ASSIGN null TO currentAccount
A-1-2-16) ELSE
A-1-2-17) INSTANTIATE a local variable named currentAccount of class CheckingAccountPlus, passing the following arguments:
A-1-2-18) myFields[indexForAccountId], myFields[indexForFirstName], myFields[indexForLastName],
A-1-2-19) Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForBalance])
A-1-2-20) CALL method handleAccount of this class, passing the following arguments: currentAccount, myFile, myFields
A-1-2-21) ASSIGN null TO currentAccount
A-1-2-22) END IF
A-1-2-23) END WHILE
WHILE (myFile.getEofFound() IS FALSE AND currentAccount.getAccountId().equals(myFields[indexForAccountId]))
A-1-3-07) IF (myFields[indexForRecordType].equals(recordTypeForDeposit))
A-1-3-08) CALL method handleDeposit with the following argument list: currentAccount,
A-1-3-09) Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForDepositAmount]
A-1-3-10) ELSE
A-1-3-11) CALL method handleWithdrawal with the following argument list: currentAccount,
A-1-3-12) Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForWithdrawalAmount]
A-1-3-13) END IF
A-1-3-14) CALL method myFile.readARecord, which reads the next deposit or withdrawal record, if any, for this customer
A-1-3-15) CALL method myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray and ASSIGN its return value to myFields, a String array. This makes the value from the
A-1-3-16) fields in the record just read available for access as elements in the myFields string array
A-1-3-17) END WHILE
WHILE (myFile.getEofFound() IS FALSE AND currentAccount.getAccountId().equals(myFields[indexForAccountId]))
A-1-4-07) IF (myFields[indexForRecordType].equals(recordTypeForDeposit))
A-1-4-08) CALL method handleDeposit with the following argument list: currentAccount,
A-1-4-09) Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForDeposit]
A-1-4-10) ELSE
A-1-4-11) CALL method handleWithdrawal with the following argument list: currentAccount,
A-1-4-12) Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForWithdrawal]
A-1-4-13) END IF
A-1-4-14) CALL method myFile.readARecord, which reads the next deposit or withdrawal record, if any, for this customer
A-1-4-15) CALL method myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray and ASSIGN its return value to myFields, a String array. This makes the value from the
A-1-4-16) fields in the record just read available for access as elements in the myFields string array
A-1-4-17) END WHILE
//public class file name
public class CheckingAccountsTest
private static final int indexForAccountId = 0;
private static final int indexForAccountType = 2;
private static final int indexForBalance = 5;
private static final int indexForDepositAmount = 2;
private static final int indexForFirstName = 3;
private static final int indexForLastName = 4;
private static final int indexForRecordType = 1;
private static final int indexForWithdrawalAmount = 2;
private static final String recordTypeForDeposit = "CKD";
private static double sumOfBeginningBalances = 0.0;
private static double sumOfCreditCardAdvances = 0.0;
private static double sumOfDeposits = 0.0;
private static double sumOfEndingBalances = 0.0;
private static double sumOfFees = 0.0;
private static double sumOfOverdrafts = 0.0;
private static double sumOfWithdrawals = 0.0;
public static void main(String args[])
MyCsvFile myFile = new MyCsvFile("monthlyBankTransactions,v05.txt");
//display big bank title line
System.out.println("\nBig Bank: Monthly Checking Account Activity\n");
//display the first column heading line
System.out.println("----------- Account ----------- Beginning\t\t With-\t\t Ending\tOver-\tCredit Cd");
//display the second column heading line
System.out.println(" Name\t Id Type\t Balance + Deposit - drawal - Fee = Balance\tdraft\t Advance\n");
//Get 1st record from CSV file using method readARecord
while(myFile.getEofFound() == false)
String []myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray();
CheckingAccount currentAccount = new CheckingAccount(myFields[indexForAccountId],
myFields[indexForFirstName], myFields[indexForLastName], Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForBalance]));
handleAccount(currentAccount, myFile, myFields);
currentAccount = null;
CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount = new CheckingAccountPlus(myFields[indexForAccountId],
myFields[indexForFirstName], myFields[indexForLastName], Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForBalance]));
handleAccount(currentAccount, myFile, myFields);
currentAccount = null;
}//end if
}//end while
//DISPLAY the report-total line using the following arguments: “Report Totals”, sumOfBeginningBalances,
//sumOfDeposits, sumOfWithdrawals, sumOfFees, sumOfEndingBalances, sumOfOverdrafts, sumOfCreditCardAdvances, “**”
System.out.printf("Report Totals", sumOfBeginningBalances,
sumOfDeposits, sumOfWithdrawals, sumOfFees, sumOfEndingBalances, sumOfOverdrafts, sumOfCreditCardAdvances, "**");
//DISPLAY the “The information in the above report” line with the following arguments:
// myFile.getCountOfRecords()
System.out.printf("The information in the above report is from the 17 records in the following file:",
//DISPLAY the “Path to file” line with the following arguments: myFile.getFilePath()
System.out.printf("Path to file:", myFile.getFilePath());
//DISPLAY the “Name of file” line with the following arguments: myFile.getFileName()
System.out.printf("Name of file:", myFile.getFileName());
//DISPLAY the “End of program” line
System.out.println("\nEnd of program");
}// end main method
//Exhibit A-1-3: Pseudo code for Overloaded Method handleAccount of Class CheckingAccountsTest
//This private static method has no return value, and has three parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccount, myFile of type MyCsvFile and myFields of type String array.
public static void handleAccount(CheckingAccount currentAccount, MyCsvFile myFile, String []myFields)
sumOfBeginningBalances += currentAccount.getBalance();
myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray();
while (myFile.getEofFound() == false)
handleDeposit(currentAccount, Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForDepositAmount]));
}//end if
myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray();
}//end while
sumOfEndingBalances += currentAccount.getBalance();
}//end Overloaded Method handleAccount method
//Exhibit A-1-4: Pseudo code for Overloaded Method handleAccount of Class CheckingAccountsTest
///This private static method has no return value, and has three parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccountPlus, myFile of type MyCsvFile and myFields of type String array.
public static void handleAccount(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount, MyCsvFile myFile, String [] myFields)
sumOfBeginningBalances += currentAccount.getBalance();
myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray();
while (myFile.getEofFound()==false)
currentAccount.getAccountId().equals (myFields[indexForAccountId]);
handleDeposit(currentAccount, Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForDepositAmount]));
}//end if
myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray();
}//end while
sumOfEndingBalances += currentAccount.getBalance();
}//end Overloaded Method handleAccount method
//Exhibit A-1-5: Pseudo code for Overloaded Method handleDeposit Method of
//Class CheckingAccountsTest
private static void handleDeposit(CheckingAccount currentAccount, double amount)
sumOfDeposits += amount;
System.out.printf("$,%.2f", amount);
//Exhibit A-1-6: Pseudo code for Overloaded Method handleDeposit Method of
//Class CheckingAccountsTest
private static void handleDeposit(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount, double amount)
sumOfDeposits += amount;
System.out.printf("$,%.2f", amount);
// A-1-7: Pseudo code for Overloaded Method handleWithdrawal Method of
//Class CheckingAccountsTest
//This private static method has no return value, and has two parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccount and amount of type double.
private static void handleWithdrawal(CheckingAccount currentAccount, double amount)
if (currentAccount.makeWithdrawal(amount) == true){
sumOfWithdrawals += amount;
System.out.printf("$,%.2f", amount);
double overdraftFee = currentAccount.getOverdraftFee();
sumOfFees += overdraftFee;
sumOfOverdrafts += amount;
System.out.printf("$,%.2f",overdraftFee, amount);
}//end if
}//end handleWithdrawal method
//Exhibit A-1-8: Pseudo code for Overloaded Method handleWithdrawal Method of
//Class CheckingAccountsTest
private static void handleWithdrawal(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount, double amount)
if (currentAccount.makeWithdrawal(amount) == true){
sumOfWithdrawals += amount;
double creditCardAdvance = currentAccount.getCreditCardAdvance();
sumOfCreditCardAdvances += creditCardAdvance;
sumOfWithdrawals += currentAccount.getActualWithdrawal();
}//end if
}//end CheckingAccountPlus handleWithdrawal method
//This private static method has no return value, and has one parameter: currentAccount of type CheckingAccount.
private static void printBeginningBalance(CheckingAccount currentAccount)
currentAccount, currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), currentAccount.getBalance());
//this private static method has no return value, and has one parameter: currentAccount of type CheckingAccountPlus.
private static void printBeginningBalance(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount)
currentAccount, currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccountPlus.getAccountType(), currentAccount.getBalance());
//Exhibit A-1-11: Pseudo code for Overloaded Method printEndingBalance of
//class CheckingAccountsTest
private static void printEndingBalance(CheckingAccount currentAccount)
System.out.printf("Account Totals", currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(),
currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(),
currentAccount.getFees(), currentAccount.getBalance(), currentAccount.getOverdrafts(), " *");
//Exhibit A-1-12: Pseudo code for Overloaded Method printEndingBalance of
//Class CheckingAccountsTest
private static void printEndingBalance(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount)
System.out.printf("Account Totals", currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(),
currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(),
currentAccount.getBalance(), currentAccount.getSumOfCreditCardAdvances(), " *");
}//end class CheckingAccountsTestt