
I was hinted for my cause in using a mastertemplate. I did and I swear my little programm was up and running late night just the way I wanted it. This morning, however, I did some other corner stuff and now it does not compile anymore.. just like that... Have a look please...

#include <iostream>

class A
    void Do(void);

    template <class T1, class T2>
    void Add (int a,
              int b,
              T1 *var1,
              T2 *var2);

    int x;
    double y;

template <class T1, class T2>
void A::Add (int a,
             int b,
             T1 *passedVar1=T1(),
             T2 *passedVar2=T2())

void A::Do(void)
    Add(1,2, &x, &y); //works!
    Add(1,2, &x); //error!

int main ()
    A a;

Compiler Error@Code::Blocs 8.02

D:\C++ Projects\marc\console\main.cpp||In member function `void A ::Do()': |
D:\C++ Projects\marc\console\main.cpp|30|error: no matching function for call to `A::Add(int, int, int* )'|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|

I appreciate any help on that!


Function can't define type of T2.
One way to solve it - it's using class template that indicates all types patently.

template <class A, class B, ..., class Z>
class MyClass

MyClass < int, int,...,float > a;

I hope it will help you.

The problem seem to be that when you get to Add(1,2,&x); . There is no way that the compiler can figure out what T2 should be.

So you can get round that by putting


or obviously, you can do it if you have something like

template <class T1>
void A::Add (int a,int b,T1 *passedVar1=T1(),
                 T1 *passedVar2=T1())

// Then this compiles:

along with appropiate declaration.

HOWEVER: Be VERY careful with this code since as you have written it you are going to get a segmentation fault if you try to access passedVar2.

Thanks so far, that are some really good posts, but yet I cannot make things work easier for me..

I want to pass a certain number of arguments... My actual code is working with a bitmap OpenGL font and I can do something like this:

Add(gEventManager::ENQ_SCREENDIMENSIONS, "Screen Dimensions X: $$  Y: $$", &Camera->rScreenX(), &Camera->rScreenY() );

Add(gEventManager::ENQ_Help, "Help Message: $$  ", &HELP->rLastHelpAsked());

while $$ in the String are being replaced in with the appropriate passed Variables in the right order

then later in the code I call my message class



This all works fine, except I needed a good Add(..) and not bother of the type of passed variables too much. Sometimes there could be up to 5 passed variables and with different types int, double or string.

Well.. dipping deeper into this topic, I figured, that functions templates cannot have default values.. Thus the only "good" work around I came up it so far, is to overload the function... This compiles fine.

#include <iostream>

class A
    void Do(void);

    template <class T1, class T2>
    void Add (int a,
              int b,
              T1 *var1,
              T2 *var2);

    template <class T1>
    void Add (int a,
              int b,
              T1 *var1);

    int x;
    double y;

template <class T1, class T2>
void A::Add (int a,
             int b,
             T1 *var1,
             T2 *var2)

template <class T1>
void A::Add (int a,
             int b,
             T1 *var1)

void A::Do(void)
    Add(1,2, &x, &y); //works!
    Add(1,2,&x); //works!

int main ()
    A a;
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