Hi All,
I am new in SFTP.
1)I need to transfer the file from one server to another server.
2) I have written .com file in my ALPHA VMS system with SQLquery.
3) Usually I send .com file through NDM protocol. In this file i write NDM script in the file for sending the file.
$!copy/log ie_acctinfo.dat MEDDEV::NDM_SEND:ie_acctinfo.dat
$!copy/log nl: MEDDEV::NDM_SEND:ie_acctinfo.dat_ack
this script we use inside the file. and then we can submit the file
But this enhancement(project) I should use SFTP(SSH).
1) Both system(myside and other application(server)) side are generated and exchanged the public key.
2) now i need to the SFTP script inside the .com file and send(submit) SFTP script.
I really appriciate your help and spending time for me.
Thanks, prabha