Ok i have a calculator program, but it can only do positive numbers, can anyone point me in the direction to make it get negative numbers also?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

struct Node{
    float number;
    Node *next;

Node* push(Node *stack, float data){
  Node *utility;
  utility = new Node;
  utility -> number = data;
  utility -> next = stack;
  return utility;

Node* pop(Node *stack, float &data){
  Node *temp;
  if (stack != NULL){
    temp = stack;
    data = stack -> number;
    stack = stack -> next;
    delete temp;
  else cout << "\nERROR: Empty stack.\n";
  return stack;

int main()
  float answer, operand1, operand2;
  char ch = ' ';                                     //just so that the while loop runs
  Node *utility, *top;

  utility = new Node;
  utility -> number = 0;
  utility -> next = NULL;
  top = new Node;
  top -> number = 0;
  top -> next = utility;

  cout << "Enter the operation: ";
 while(ch != '\n')
        cin >> noskipws >> ch;
        int operand = 0;
        while(ch == ' ')
          cin >> ch;
        if((ch >= '0')&&(ch <= '9')){
          while(ch != ' '){
            operand = operand*10 + (ch-48);
            cin >> ch;
          top = push(top, operand);
          top=pop(top, operand1);
          top=pop(top, operand2);
            case '+': answer = operand2 + operand1;break;
            case '-': answer = operand2 - operand1;break;
            case '*': answer = operand2 * operand1;break;
            case '/': answer = operand2 / operand1;break;
          top=push(top, answer);
  pop(top, answer);
  cout << "\nAnswer: " << answer << endl;

This program was not made by me but i want to modify it to take negative numbers aswell.
Just need the idea
Thank you

Well you need to build into your loop some sense of "expecting number" and "expecting operator". It should toggle between these two states.
So if you're expecting a number, and see '-', you know what it means.

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