i only want what you think, the anser is, this came in a exam paper last year, am not sure what the answer is, can anyone help and explane what hes after pleaseUsing access and visual basic or c++ or pascal

i've been told something like this will come again, so please someone help me and point me what his after please

A company has been using a program written in VB or c++ using Access tables for sales order processing. The data model they have is as follows.

Customer customer No (PK), customer name, address etc
Order order No (PK), customer name (FK), date
Order_line (order No, stock No) compound PK, quantity
Stock stock No (PK). Price, description

The software uses a datagrid attached to the orderline table for data input. This has the effect of changing the sequence of the lines of the order as they are entered, as keys provide unique checks as well as changing the sequence of the data.
They wish to have the system modified to prevent this change in sequence but are interested in two other ideas. They currently hold entire orders in the warehouse until stock is available to meet each line of each order. They would like the computer to be used to keep track of the stock level and also permit partial delivey. This means that if a company wanted 10 widgets and only 6 were available, then those 6 should be sent and another 4 sent at a alater date. If only 3 were available at a later date, these should be sent and then the last 1 widget at a later date.
The other idea is that customers should be able to change their order before it has been printed on a picking list for the warehouse staff, but not after it has been printed.

The question is

What changes need to be made to the above database definition in order to solve all the problem?

help me please

The way you've worded this is confusing. Is the data model like this?

Stock No:

Customer No:

Order No:
  Customer No

Order Line:
  Order No
  Stock No

If not, be more specific.

>The software uses a datagrid attached to the orderline table for data input.
This is all kinds of ambiguous, be more specific.

>This has the effect of changing the sequence of the lines of the order as they are entered
Why does it have that effect? Be more specific.

>as keys provide unique checks as well as changing the sequence of the data.
Keys don't change data, they are data. Is this a confusing way of saying that the orders are sorted by some key and the company wants to remove that behavior?

The question sucks. If someone gave me that as an upgrade request, I would smack them with the hardcopy and tell them to get out of my office.

Thank you, I have a fair idea, how to do it now, thanks for your comment, if you think of anything or could give me any more comment please let me know, by the way I like the way you change your site.

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