i've copied this code from net but this is not working. Only blank output. can anyone help. i'm new to assembly.
[ORG 7C00h] ; This is where BIOS put me
; ---------------------------------------------------------
; Main program
; ---------------------------------------------------------
mov si, msg ; Print message
call putstr
hang: jmp hang ; Hang!
; ---------------------------------------------------------
; Functions and variables used by our bootstrap
; ----------------------------------------------------------
msg db 'Hello Cyberspace!', 0
; Print a 0-terminated string on the screen
lodsb ; AL = [DS:SI]
or al,al ; Set zero flag if al=0
jz .done ; Jump to .done if zero flag is set
mov ah,0x0E ; Video function 0Eh
mov bx,0x0007 ; Color
int 0x10
jmp putstr ; Load characters until AL=0
times 512-($-$$)-2 db 0
dw 0AA55h
as far as i think lodsb does not advance the cursor but i wrote code for cursor advancemnt but failed.