I just created this awesome python application and i want to spread it around, but every one has python.
I was just wondering if I could compile python source into a linux executable like py2exe, and then compile the executable into a .deb installer file.

any help would be appreciated.
thanks, The-ITu

I just created this awesome python application and i want to spread it around, but every one has python.
I was just wondering if I could compile python source into a linux executable like py2exe, and then compile the executable into a .deb installer file.

any help would be appreciated.
thanks, The-ITu

There's a python library called 'Freeze' which can be used to create linux executables from python scripts. I don't think it's particularly well known, but I think it's been around longer than py2exe, so you could say that py2exe is the windows version of Freeze! heh heh!
I've not used Freeze yet, but I intend to eventually!

Anyway, check it out here:

As for creating .debs I've not had a go at it yet (I'm still working on my first few pet projects on Ubuntu), but I'm sure that there is tons of info online..So google is probably your best friend there!

Cheers for now,

thanks you!

sorry for double positing but freeze is not working :(
i get this error:

_ssl _struct _tkinter _weakref apt_pkg array binascii cStringIO collections datetime fcntl grp itertools math operator pyexpat readline select strop termios time zlib
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "freeze.py", line 497, in <module>
  File "freeze.py", line 449, in main
    infp = open(config_c_in)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/python2.5/config/config.c.in'

and when i type in "make":

user@ubuntu:~/Documents/python/builder$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

I just created this awesome python application and i want to spread it around, but every one has python.
I was just wondering if I could compile python source into a linux executable like py2exe, and then compile the executable into a .deb installer file.

any help would be appreciated.
thanks, The-ITu

Ok py2exe and Freeze bundle your script in with interpreter, thing is you're making DEB packages, Debian and all most all Linux distros have python installed by default, so you can just pack your script into a DEB, compiling it won't make anything faster, or smoother, infact Freeze stores your scripts into a large array which is not only messy but not the best for performance.

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