NinjaLink -2 Posting Pro in Training

Hi, I am currently having problems in my upperCase function. For 20 words out of 50 in my input file, I want to capitalize the first letter. Can someone please help me with this and lead me to the right direction. I have been trying for hours to figure it out.

Also, do I need my own function to duplicate 4 different words in the list?


1. Read in 50 words from an input file (completed)
2. Put them in a Linked List in alphabetical order (completed)
3. 20 words should have first letter capitalized
4. Must have 4 different words to have duplicates

Input File:


#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct nodeType {
    string info;
    nodeType *link;

void createList(nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last);
void alphasort (nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last);
void upperCase (nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last);
void printList(nodeType*& first);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    nodeType *first, *last;
    string words;

    ifstream inData;
    ofstream outData;

    alphasort (first,last);
    upperCase (first,last);

    system ("PAUSE");
    return 0;

void createList(nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last) 
    ifstream inData("input.txt"); // opens input file
    string words;
    nodeType *newNode;

    first = new nodeType;
    first->info = string("head");
    first->link = NULL;
    last = first;

    while(inData >> words) // reads data in input file
        newNode = new nodeType; // create new node
        newNode->info = words;
        newNode->link = NULL;
        last->link = newNode;
        last = newNode;

void nodeSwap(struct nodeType *p, struct nodeType *q) // swaps node
    struct nodeType *t1, *t2, *t3;
    if (p != q) 
        t1 = p->link; t2 = q->link; t3 = q->link->link;
        p->link = q->link;
        q->link = t1;
        t2->link = t1->link;
        t1->link = t3;

void alphasort (nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last) // sorts alphabetically by using Selection Sort
    struct nodeType *i,*j,*min;

    for (i = first; i->link != NULL; i = i->link) 
        min = i;
        for (j = i->link; j->link != NULL; j = j->link) 
            if (j->link->info < min->link->info) min = j;

void upperCase (nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last)

struct nodeType *i,*j,*current;

for (i = first; i->link != NULL; i = i->link)
     for (j = i->link; j->link != NULL; j = j->link)
      if (j->link->info < 20)   
      current->info = toupper(current->info);   


void printList(nodeType*& first) 
    ofstream outData("output.txt"); // Opens the outputfile

    nodeType *current = first->link;
    while (current != NULL) 
        outData <<current->info <<endl; // sends results to output file
        current = current->link;
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