Hello, I'm very new to python but made this as a sort of exercise. It is a loan calculator that takes into account user input.
r = input('What is your interest rate? ')
t = input('How many payments will you make? ')
la = input('What was the amount of the loan? ')
rt = raw_input('Do you make your payments weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually? ')
r = r + .0
r = r / 100
rr = r / 52
x = (1.0 + rr) ** t
y = rr / (x - 1.0)
isloanweek = (rr + y) * la
rr = r / 12
x = (1.0 + rr) ** t
y = rr / (x - 1.0)
isloanmonth = (rr + y) * la
rr = r / 4
x = (1.0 + rr) ** t
y = rr / (x - 1.0)
isloanquarter = (rr + y) * la
rr = r / 1
x = (1.0 + rr) ** t
y = rr / (x - 1.0)
isloanannual = (rr + y) * la
whatloan = True
while whatloan:
if rt == 'weekly':
print isloanweek
whatloan = False
elif rt == 'monthly':
print isloanmonth
whatloan = False
elif rt == 'quarterly':
print isloanquarter
whatloan = False
elif rt == 'annually':
print isloanannual
whatloan = False
rt = raw_input('Sorry that was not an option, please respond with weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually: ')
I moved this post to its own thread. As you look at the code there are many lines of repetitious code, a sign that a function is due. Can anybody help Mensa180 in a nice way to improve the Python coding style?
Mensa180, thanks for the code contribution!