hey everyone,
I've been a bit bored lately and have made a 'snake' game. I've made made a 10x10 grid of picture boxes and I'm holding the snake positions in a linked list. I'm changing the picture box to either 'snake.jpg' or 'blankSpot.jpg.' I have a pretty decent implementation working but my only problem is when the snake makes contact with the apple it takes the LinkedList's current length in picture boxes for the change to be added. I want the length of the snake to be instantaneous and not have a delay in the increase of the snake.
For example: When the snakes collides with the apple another node is added to the linked list but the snake goes through two more picture boxes before the snake grows in length by 1 picture box. I stepped through the code and when the snake collides with the apple my linkedlist says:
I have three methods in which I add/remove node drawSnake(), changeTail() and detectCollision(). I'm not sure why it takes so long for the change to be applied to the snake. I would appreciate anyone's advice.
public partial class gameScreen : Form
//Thread which refreshs screen
Thread refreshScreen;
//holds snake buttons
LinkedList<int> snake = new LinkedList<int>();
int randButton,
public gameScreen()
//constructor. Intialize variables
randButton = 0;
//start at button 94
snakeHead = 94;
//add first element to linked list
//go 'up'
direction = -10;
//start the thread
refreshScreen = new Thread(screenRefresh);
private void drawPictureBoxes()
//create 100 pictureboxes at runtime
int xLoc = 0,
yLoc = 0,
increment = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
//create picture boxes
PictureBox picBox = new PictureBox();
picBox.Image = Image.FromFile("blankSpot.jpg");
picBox.Size = new Size(50, 50);
picBox.Location = new Point(xLoc, yLoc);
picBox.Name = "pictureBox_" + i;
xLoc += 50;
//when we get to 10 draw on second line
if (increment == 10)
xLoc = 0;
yLoc += 50;
increment = 0;
//After we're done drawn apple
private void screenRefresh()
//updates main screen
while (refreshScreen.IsAlive)
//draw snake
//detect a collision
//change tail
private void drawApple()
//create a randon number between 0-100
Random rand = new Random();
randButton = rand.Next(0, 100);
//if randButton is already in snake generate another
while (snake.Contains(randButton))
randButton = rand.Next(0, 100);
//draw an apple
changePicture("Apple.jpg", randButton);
private void detectCollision()
if (snake.First.Value == randButton)
changePicture("snake.jpg", snake.First.Value);
//Draw another apple
private void changePicture(string picture, int value)
//method to change picture at a particular button location
PictureBox picBox = this.Controls["pictureBox_" + value] as PictureBox;
picBox.Image = Image.FromFile(picture);
private void drawSnake()
int move = snakeHead += direction;
//if snake goes off top re-draw from bottom/top
if (move > 100)
move -= 100;
snakeHead = move;
else if (move < 0)
move += 100;
snakeHead = move;
//Add another node onto snake
changePicture("snake.jpg", snake.First.Value);
private void changeTail()
//get rid of last node/change picture
changePicture("blankSpot.jpg", snake.Last.Value);
private void gameScreen_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
//get a key press
int key = (int)e.KeyCode;
//change direction based on key press
if (key == (int)Keys.Up)
//goes up
direction = -10;
else if (key == (int)Keys.Down)
//goes down
direction = 10;
else if (key == (int)Keys.Left)
//goes left
direction = -1;
else if (key == (int)Keys.Right)
//goes right
direction = 1;