Hello what would be the best way to return a pair<> via a structure Let me further explain. Below is the type of struct that I want to use:

struct Compass {
pair<int, int> C;
pair<int, int> E;
pair<int, int> W;
pair<int, int> NE;
pair<int, int> NW;
pair<int, int> SE;

Compass GetCompass()
C = make_pair(3,4);
bla bla bla

I would like to call C in my main file:

V GetCompass();
J = V.C.first;
K = V.C.second;

What I would like to do is call this function and retrieve the value of C??? Any ideas??

You can return entire structures from functions.

Compass getCompass()
    Compass result;
    result.C = make_pair(3,4);
    // etc.
    return result;

void someFunction()
    Compass V = getCompass();
    int j = V.C.first;
    // ...

thank you I used your suggestion and it worked perfectly

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