I keep getting the error above. I am trying to calculate percentage, sales tax on items to make profit on items sold.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    //Declare variables
    double price;
    double percentage;
    double taxRate;
    double salesTax;
    double sellingPrice;
    double finalPrice;
    char ch;
    string str;

    //Calculate Item Price

    ch = '$';
    str = "Thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.";

    //Statement: Step 1 - Step                                      
    cout << "Enter original price for item: ";                                            //Step 1
    cin >> price;                                                                       //Step 2
    cout << endl;
    cout << "The original price of the dress is  "  << ch << price << endl;             //Step 3

    cout << "Enter the mark-up percentage: " << endl;                                   //Step 4
    cin  >> percentage;                                                                 //Step 5
    cout << endl;
    cout  << "The selling price of the dress is  " << ch << percentage << endl;         //Step 6
    sellingPrice = price + (1 * percentage);

    cout << " Enter tax rate: " << endl;                                                //Step 7
    cin  >> taxRate;                                                                    //Step 8
    cout  << endl;
       salesTax = sellingPrice * taxRate;   
         cout  << "The sales tax on the dress is  " << ch << salesTax << endl;              //Step 9

    finalPrice = sellingPrice + salesTax;

    cout << "Your total today is  ." << ch  << finalPrice << endl;                      //Step 10
    cout << str << endl;

    return 0;


Code tags?

What are you entering your 'percentage' in ? Does that line, multiplying percentage by 1, and adding it to the price look like what you really want to do?

cout << "The selling price of the dress is " << ch << percentage << endl; //Step 6
sellingPrice = price + (1 * percentage);

you should be calculating selling price before you display it (as of now you are saying it sells at the percentage you entered)

sellingprice should just be (1+percentage/100)*price, you probably just glanced over it....

p.s. please use code tags

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