I was given a template class code here and I have to add the code to a insert function in there, I have no real experience with templates, how would I go about doing this ?
here is the template class code.cpp
// Implementation of the templated version of arrayListType
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "arrayListTypeT.h"
using namespace std;
template<class elemType>
bool arrayListTypeT<elemType>::isEmpty() const
{ return (length == 0); }
template<class elemType>
bool arrayListTypeT<elemType>::isFull() const
{ return (length == maxSize); }
template<class elemType>
int arrayListTypeT<elemType>::listSize() const
{ return length; }
template<class elemType>
int arrayListTypeT<elemType>::maxListSize() const
{ return maxSize; }
template<class elemType>
void arrayListTypeT<elemType>::print() const
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
cout << list[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
template<class elemType>
bool arrayListTypeT<elemType>::isItemAtEqual(int location, elemType item) const
{ return(list[location] == item); }
template<class elemType>
void arrayListTypeT<elemType>::removeAt(int location)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
cout << "The location of the item to be removed "
<< "is out of range." << endl;
for (int i = location; i < length - 1; i++)
list[i] = list[i+1];
} //end removeAt
template<class elemType>
void arrayListTypeT<elemType>::retrieveAt(int location, elemType& retItem)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
cout << "The location of the item to be retrieved is "
<< "out of range." << endl;
retItem = list[location];
} // retrieveAt
template<class elemType>
void arrayListTypeT<elemType>::replaceAt(int location, elemType repItem)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
cout << "The location of the item to be replaced is "
<< "out of range." << endl;
list[location] = repItem;
} //end replaceAt
template<class elemType>
void arrayListTypeT<elemType>::clearList()
length = 0;
} // end clearList
template<class elemType>
arrayListTypeT<elemType>::arrayListTypeT<elemType>(int size)
if (size <= 0)
cout << "The array size must be positive. Creating "
<< "an array of size 100. " << endl;
maxSize = 100;
maxSize = size;
length = 0;
list = new elemType[maxSize];
assert(list != NULL);
template<class elemType>
{ delete [] list; }
template<class elemType>
arrayListTypeT<elemType>::arrayListTypeT<elemType>(const arrayListTypeT<elemType>& otherList)
maxSize = otherList.maxSize;
length = otherList.length;
list = new elemType[maxSize]; //create the array
assert(list != NULL); //terminate if unable to allocate
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) //copy otherList
list [j] = otherList.list[j];
}//end copy constructor
template<class elemType>
int arrayListTypeT<elemType>::seqSearch(elemType item) const
int i;
for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (list[i] == item)
{ break; }
return i;
} //end seqSearch
template<class elemType>
void arrayListTypeT<elemType>::insert(elemType insertItem)
// Your code to insert a new item into the list goes here.
// You are required to check for the following errors:
// Duplicate insertion.
// Full list.
// If either error occurs, display an appropriate message leave the
// list unchanged.
} //end insert
template<class elemType>
void arrayListTypeT<elemType>::remove(elemType removeItem)
int loc;
if (length == 0)
cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list." << endl;
loc = seqSearch(removeItem);
if (loc != -1)
cout << "The team to be deleted is not in the list."
<< endl;
} //end remove
Here is the insert function
void arrayListTypeT<elemType>::insert(elemType insertItem)
// Your code to insert a new item into the list goes here.
// You are required to check for the following errors:
// Duplicate insertion.
// Full list.
// If either error occurs, display an appropriate message leave the
// list unchanged.
} //end insert
We were told not to modify any part of this class besides the insert function