I am reading in files containing 238 x 1 feature vectors. Attempting to grab the first 2 numbers in each file to create a 2d plot using numpy. I've got a decent start, just am stuck on how to fill the np array that I want to plot.
import os # for file handling functions
import numpy as np # for array/matrix processing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for general plotting
femaleDataSets = 0
females = []
lists = []
femaleVectors = 0
femaleSizes = 0
filePath = "Dataset/parameter feature vectors"
for fname in os.listdir(filePath):
index = fname.find("female")
if index != -1:
femaleDataSets +=1
tempFile = open(filePath+"/"+fname, 'rU') # open each female file
for line in tempFile:
femaleVectors +=1
for word in line.split():
femaleSizes +=1
print "Number of females: ", femaleDataSets
femaleData = np.zeros((femaleSizes, femaleVectors))
for j in range(femaleSizes):
for i in range(femaleVectors):
femaleData[j, i] = # fill array
plt.title('Female/Male Feature Vectors')