Hey *.*,

is it possible to get the current "Program Counter" of another running program? If it is, how can it be done?

Thanks for any hint!

The only way I can think of, is to use some inline assembly and get the value of the PC register, look up the use of asm with C.

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I know how to use assembler within C code. But the question is if it is possible to get the program counter of a another program of which the source code should not be altered!

MyProg --->get the program counter --> UnkownProg

Thanks in advance,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I know how to use assembler within C code. But the question is if it is possible to get the program counter of a another program of which the source code should not be altered!

MyProg --->get the program counter --> UnkownProg

Thanks in advance,

So what your after is - get the program counter of another current program running on a different core from the current calling program? Multi-core right? Because how could you have more than one current on a single core...

You'll probably have to consult the AMD/Intel manuals for this one...

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